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Many people experience stress and anxiety during this season, which can be filled with joy. Perhaps this has never been more true than during this unprecedented year, in which we have all experienced steadily increasing stress and anxiety. Many people experienced that the holidays cause as much stress as they do joy. However, there are ways to ease into the season.
Here are some suggestions for dealing with anxiety and stress during the hectic holiday season by spiritual healer Hitesh Chakraworty.
It’s a hectic time. There’s a lot of handling complex people’s needs, and then there’s a lot of pressure to make everything perfect. Since life is so hectic, some of your normal self-care routines may be disrupted. Try to get enough sleep, eat as healthy as possible, and, if you drink, do so in moderation. If you have children, try to keep their schedules as regular as possible.
As we prepare for the holidays, we frequently set impossible standards for ourselves, only to be disappointed when our celebrations fall short. Recognise that things may not go exactly as planned before you begin planning. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Imperfection is natural and healthy. It might just take some practice for some of us, but will help you deal with stress.
The holidays can be stressful, with long lines and terrible traffic. When you’re feeling overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle, ask yourself, “Where does this fit in the grand scheme of things?” If you’re frustrated by the long grocery line in front of you, remember that it’s just that – a long grocery line. Let it not ruin your afternoon.
“Can I use this moment of frustration to pause and reflect?” Take stock of the
good things that have happened today or the things you are grateful for while the cashier rings up the customers ahead of you.
Schedule some short periods of relaxation. If you regularly exercise, make time for at least a short workout. You can walk outside as it will help you clear your mind. Take a few deep breaths right now. A few deep breaths have been shown in studies to reduce your heart rate and blood pressure.
Whatever is comfortable for you and your family is the “right way” to celebrate the holidays this year. This could mean fewer get-togethers with friends and family, fewer traditional events that require large crowds to congregate in indoor (and outdoor) spaces, and fewer trips to see out-of-state relatives.
Maintain a balance of realistic and optimistic expectations. It is common for people to put pressure on themselves during the holiday perfect, but nothing is perfect and what you are doing is good enough for people.
Consider creating a reasonable budget based on what you can comfortably afford, and then consider how you might divide that amount among the people for whom you believe you need to buy gifts. Consider how powerful small, meaningful gifts can be. Plan a tour or scavenger hunt of places significant to your relationship. “There is research that shows that we tend to appreciate the gift of experiences more than the gift of material things,” suggests a framed photo of a trip or a memorable experience.
Here’s one of the most important tips to deal with stress. Recognise that different members of your family may hold very different opinions than you, and plan ahead of time how you will handle this. The important thing is to respect and listen to the other person before expressing your thoughts calmly. And you want to pick your battles carefully. There are some people who can handle difficult conversations extremely well, and there may be members of your family who don’t, and you don’t want to engage.
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