If you’ve just had a big meal and still feel hungry, you might be curious to know what’s going on. Having an unbalanced meal, which is high in carbohydrates, or foods that are high with high glycemic index, may not make you feel satiated. Not only this, even dehydration or high-stress levels can cause you to continue to feel hungry after eating, even after you have helped yourself to a large meal. Certain medical conditions such as diabetes can also increase your appetite. However, there are some simple dietary and lifestyle changes that you can make that can solve this problem.
Yes, feeling hungry after eating can occur for several reasons, such as having a meal that is low in protein, fibre or healthy fats. There can be other causes of post-meal hunger as well. It may also result from dehydration, stress or eating too quickly, thereby preventing the body from feeling full, explains dietician Archana S. While this may seem like a harmless problem, not feeling full, or satiated, can lead to overeating and obesity, states the US National Institutes of health.
“Why am I still hungry after eating?” if this is a question that you have been asking yourself, here is your answer!
Eating a meal that is low in protein, fibre, or healthy fats can explain why you feel hungry after eating. A meal without protein, fibre or healthy fats won’t provide long-term satiety. A study published in the journal Trends in Food Science & Technology states that satiating power of the food is dependent on the amount of protein, carbohydrate, fat and fibre it contains. These nutrients regulate hunger hormones and help to keep you fuller for longer.
Wolfing down your food can also be one of the reasons why you are feeling hungry after you eating. A study published in the journal Scientific Reports, observed that eating quickly was positively associated with excess body weight in adults. When you eat too fast, you might not give your brain enough time to realise you are full. This is because it takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to send your brain signals that you are full.
Sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger as well. A study, published in the journal Physiology & Behavior, states that hydration status may influence appetite. So next time when you are feeling hungry after eating, have a glass of water. When you are not well-hydrated, you may find yourself feeling hungry even after a meal.
Glycemic index of a food is measured by its effect of your blood sugar levels. Meals that are rich in refined carbs or sugars can cause a rapid spike and subsequent drop in blood sugar levels. This might be why you are feeling hungry after eating. A study, published in the journal Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, recommends avoiding or reducing the intake of foods with a high glycemic index, as it can cause obesity.
Emotional as well as stress eating can be why you are feeling hungry after eating. This is due to the rise in cortisol levels because of emotional eating. The feeling of wanting to find comfort could be mistaken for physical hunger. A study published in the journal Elsevier states that dietary intake that responds to emotions and not to physiological hunger may have long-term problems related to unhealthy diet.
Feeling hungry right after eating might not only have to do with your meals. Certain health conditions, such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism or hormonal imbalances can also affect the hunger-regulating mechanisms, leaving a person feeling hungry even after eating, explains Archana.
If you are feeling hungry after eating, here are some changes that you can bring about in your routine that can help you.
Here are some changes that you can bring about to prevent feeling hungry after eating.
While these dietary and lifestyle changes can help you, a sudden increase in appetite can also be due to other medical conditions. Please consult your doctor if this feeling persists or if you suffer from any underlying medical conditions.
If you feel hungry within a short time after eating, it is better to stop and evaluate whether it is true hunger or something else, such as thirst, boredom or eating too fast. Wait at least 20 minutes because it takes some time for your brain to realize that your stomach is full. If you still feel hungry, then you may have a small, nutrient-dense snack like fruit, nuts or yoghurt to fill your hunger.
Refined sugars, simple carbohydrates and unhealthy fats can trigger cravings for food. The food items mainly consist of processed sugary snacks, fast food and baked goods. The blood sugar rises rapidly but falls sharply afterwards, making one hungry once more soon after eating. Foods which are low in fibre and protein content often lead to dissatisfaction, hence making one feel hungry even after eating.
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