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These 10 amazing tips will help you build rock-solid immunity in no time

There are several simple and natural tips that can help you build immunity, and keep illnesses at bay. Let’s find out
ways to strengthen your immune system
Building immunity is all in your hands. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Nikita Bhardwaj
Updated On: 15 May 2021, 10:26 pm IST

Immunity has certainly become a buzzword in the last few months, ever since covid-19 took over our lives! Surf the web and you’ll find an unbelievable number of hacks that guarantee you protection from all kinds of viruses. At the end of the day, it all depends on how strong your immune system is!

If you think you can’t do much about your body’s defence mechanism, that’s not true at all. Like everything else, it does require some effort, but you can ensure good health for yourself and your family by following some simple and natural tips. Taking supplements is not enough, there’s a lot more that needs to be done. So, are you ready to find out?

Here’s how you can strengthen your immunity naturally  

1. Wash your hands frequently
Thanks to covid-19, washing hands has become a sacred habit. But coronavirus or not, washing hands for 20-30 seconds is a good practice, since our hands are the biggest carriers of germs!

2. Take short breaks
Sometimes, we get so occupied in our day-to-day lives that we just forget to take breaks. And here, we mean both physical and mental breaks. Try and move a little after every two hours to avoid being sedentary. That’s not all — unplug and recharge by taking mental breaks, it’s important.

Do you know according to general physician, Dr Farah, NEAT or Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis is a great and practical way to lose weight, without spending too many hours in the gym? This formula not just keeps your weight in check but lowers stress levels too!

3. Add more greens to your plate
There really is no substitute to nutrition. So, if you want every cell in your body to perform its functions to the fullest, you need to pump it up with energy! Try and fill your plate with as many colours (we are more partial towards green) to get a generous dose of nutrients every single day. And we all know what that means, a good diet is equal to great immunity!

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4. Sleep well
There’s a reason why health experts suggest a good night’s sleep for strong immunity! A tired body can never be healthy. When you sleep, the T-cells in your body that are responsible for immunity activate and destroy the foreign pathogens that invade your immune system. That’s exactly why it is important to sleep for at least seven to eight hours to build your immune system.

5. Have sex
Yes, you read it right. A good sex session helps to uplift your mood, since high levels of dopamine are released after things heat up in the bedroom. And we all know dopamine is called the happy hormone. According to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Immunology, sex improves the functioning of T-cells in your body by lowering stress levels.

6. Stay connected with your friends and family
This lockdown has confined us to our homes, making us feel lonely and isolated more than ever! That’s why Dr. Ishita Mukerji, senior psychologist, Kaleidoscope Mental Wellness Centre, suggests that staying connected with family and friends helps you release your emotions. It also helps you fill the void that this lockdown has created!

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7. Move, move, move
This is a given, isn’t it? Try and pack in some exercise every day to feel good about yourself, and build your immune system!

8. Press pause on cigarette and alcohol
If your immune system is not as strong, then viruses and bacteria start attacking all the organs, and in some cases lead to organ failure. Unfortunately, that’s what is happening with covid-19 patients. Therefore, it is important to limit your cigarette and alcohol intake, so that both your lungs and liver stay protected.

9. Adopt a pet
This one is especially helpful for those who stay by themselves! Adopting a pet will not just make the environment light and lively, but it will also reduce monotony. Playing with a pet is a great way to stop overthinking, and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

ways to strengthen your immune system
Having a pet can be a real stress buster.

10. Give meditation a shot
Nothing works better than connecting with your own body, and that’s why we suggest meditation! It helps to calm you down and lowers anxiety levels. In some cases, it also helps to regulate your hormones, and that means it’s good news for your immune system.

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So, it’s time to focus on building your immunity this season! After all, prevention is better than cure.

Disclaimer: At Health Shots, we are committed to providing accurate, reliable, and authentic information to support your health and well-being. However, the content on this website is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for personalised advice regarding your specific medical condition or concerns.

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About The Author
Nikita Bhardwaj
Nikita Bhardwaj

Six-pack abs are all that Nikita needs, along with her daily dose of green tea. At Health Shots, she produces videos, podcasts, stories, and other kick-ass content.

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