If there’s anything that is constant in life, it is change. We’re pretty sure you’ve come across this quote multiple times for it stands true. Experiencing change or facing misfortune is an inevitable part of life. Sooner or later, everybody encounters shifting degrees of difficulties in various aspects of life (job, relationship, health, loss of a loved one).
Life may not come with a guide, but that doesn’t change the fact that everybody will encounter sharp bends on the way, ranging from regular difficulties to horrendous mishaps with an enduring effect. Each change influences individuals in an unexpected way, bringing on a surge of musings, forceful feelings, and vulnerability.
One can’t deny that most of us, more or less, adjust to the change in our circumstances The truth is that resilience is the key to adjusting despite a difficult situation, injury, misfortune, or stress.
Hence, the ability to be happy and successful again after an unfortunate event is what is referred to as emotional resilience.
Why is emotional resilience important?
Flexibility is what revives a person’s enthusiasm to adapt to injury, misfortune, and difficulty. Strong individuals use their assets, qualities, and abilities to defeat difficulties as well as work through mishaps. Whereas, there are some people who indulge in self-destruction, as they lack the strength to confront problems and find ways to overcome them.
Individuals who lack flexibility are bound to feel overpowered or defenseless, and depend on undesirable adapting techniques, (for example, isolation and disconnection).
Tough individuals do encounter pressure, difficulties, and negative feelings, yet they tap into their qualities and look for help from emotionally supportive networks to defeat difficulties and work through issues. Resilience engages them to acknowledge and adjust to a circumstance and push ahead.
But being strong doesn’t imply that an individual won’t experience trouble or pain. Individuals who have endured significant affliction or injury in their lives normally experience extreme agony and stress. Truth be told, the way to resilience is probably going to include impressive enthusiastic pain.
Emotional resilience isn’t a fixed trait. Flexibility, adaptability, and perseverance can help people tap into their resilience by changing certain thoughts and behaviors. Research shows that students who believe that both intellectual abilities and social attributes can be developed show a lower stress response to adversity and improved performance.
The 7 Cs of emotional resillience you need to know about
1. Competence: Ability to know how to handle situations effectively. To build competence, individuals develop a set of skills to help them trust their judgments and make responsible choices.
2. Confidence: True self-confidence is rooted in being competent. Individuals gain confidence by demonstrating competence in real-life situations.
3. Connection: Close ties to family, friends, and community provide a sense of security and belonging.
4. Character: Individuals need a fundamental sense of right and wrong to make responsible choices, contribute to society, and experience self-worth.
5. Contribution: Contributing to one’s community reinforces positive reciprocal relationships.
6. Coping: When people learn to cope with stress effectively, they are better prepared to handle adversity and setbacks.
7. Control: When individuals learn that they can control the outcomes of their decisions, they are more likely to view themselves as capable and confident.
Here’s how you can foster and cultivate emotional resilience
1. Take care of your body
Self-care may be a popular buzzword, but it’s also a legitimate practice for mental health and building resilience.
2. Practice mindfulness
Mindful journaling, yoga, and other spiritual practices like prayer or meditation can also help people restore hope and effectively deal with situations that require resilience.
3. Avoid negative outlets
Focus on giving your body resources to manage stress, rather than seeking to eliminate the feeling of stress by indulging in alcohol or drug intake.
4. Find purpose
Find yourself a motivation, a goal, or a hobby that you have wanted to try out for some time now. Start working on it, make a plan, strategies to reach there, and keep at it every single day.
5. Help others
Whether you volunteer with a local homeless shelter or simply support a friend in their time of need, you can foster self-worth and tangibly help others. This, in turn, empowers you to build your resilience.
6. Move towards your goals
Develop some realistic goals and do something regularly, even if it seems like a small accomplishment that enables you to move towards that goal.
7. Pick up adapting abilities
There are many adapting aptitudes that can help you in managing unpleasant and unforeseen circumstances such as journaling, rethinking musings, and working out.
8. Increment in good faith and hope
Individuals who are progressively hopeful will feel more in charge of their results.
9. Know your qualities
When individuals feel progressively able and sure, they can recognize and draw on their gifts and qualities.
We cannot control the circumstances of our life. There will be good days but there will be bad days as well. But, as they say, life goes on and we need to find what helps us bounce back to achieving our goals.
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