People are often anxious about the kind of ailments that the winter season can possibly bring. Hemorrhoids are one such medical condition that tends to become painful during the cold winter months, thus affecting the normal productivity in everyday lives.
In literal terms, hemorrhoids are anal diseases like piles, anal fistula, and anal fissures. People tend to suffer more from hemorrhoids in the winter season because the blood vessels shrink and obstruct blood circulation. Consumption of alcohol during this season, in order to keep the body warm, can worsen the symptoms. Hemorrhoids can cause itching, pain, discomfort, bowel movement disorder, and bleeding.
It is a conventional remedy for hemorrhoids. This simple therapy can be carried out by being seated in warm, shallow water. Having a sitz bath for 15 minutes helps in relieving pain and itching. It also helps to stimulate better blood circulation.
Frequent bowel movements can lead to hemorrhoids. This can be made regular by including fiber and fluids in the diet like legumes, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits along with intake of sufficient amounts of water.
One must not hold back whenever the urge to use the restroom arises because putting off bowel movements will worsen constipation. Hence, using the restroom immediately when the need arises will help to avoid straining and sitting on the toilet for a long period of time, which might loosen the rectal muscles.
Elevating your feet using a podium will change the way one sits on the toilet. This helps to change the position of the rectum in a way that facilitates easy passage of stools. It helps in relieving the pain of hemorrhoids.
Regular exercise helps to keep our bodies active and fit. Incorporating an exercise regime in your everyday routine can help one in stimulating the movement of the intestines, which will help to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
There is a myth that only the older population belonging to the age group 60 and above suffers from hemorrhoids. But research has shown that people, irrespective of any age, can develop this medical condition. People tend to be embarrassed about hemorrhoids and often refrain from acknowledging them.
Straining associated with constipation or diarrhea, and pressure on the abdomen during pregnancy can lead to hemorrhoids. It is a very common problem that people face. Remember to seek professional help if the condition worsens.
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