There is no denying that 2020 has been a hard year. More than anything, it has put additional pressure on our mental health. And yet, there is a silver lining. This is probably the first time that we’ve become more attuned with our needs. It has also broadened our perspective with regard to all aspects of life—more so because we have spent most part of the year at home, with social distancing being the norm.
The challenges this year have affected us in different ways. Although it has been difficult, 2020 has taught us several lessons for life, which we are most definitely carrying forward to the next year. Lessons like…
If there’s anything that covid has taught us, it is to rethink our life and prioritise all that’s important. Whatever said and done, it is essential to realign our priorities from time to time, be it at the personal or professional level. At the end of the day, it’s all about maximising a sense of self worth and satisfaction.
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It’s so ironic that 2020 didn’t plan out to be the year we had imagined it to be. Most of us had big travel plans or doing so much more this year, but what happened? We were confined to our homes for most part of the year. And that brings us to the second most important lesson of this year: be open to change. You never know what will happen!
We all know how suppressing our innermost feelings leads to a lot of stress and conflict within ourselves, which is why it is so essential to let out what you feel. If someone or something is bothering you, make sure to be vocal about it, without being undignified about it. It will give you so much mental peace!
This is the biggest mantra of 2020, isn’t it? In the race to the top, we have neglected ourselves so much, but guess what? The pandemic was an eye-opener. It made us realise that maintaining a work-life balance is important, because it eventually hampers our mental health. From painting to doodling, cooking to gardening, this year was all about discovering choices, and giving time to self.
There have been so many times in the past, when we’ve canceled our personal engagements, just to close that presentation. Basically, we have let work and life take precedence over our closest friends and family. This was a year when we were forced to stay away from people, and that’s what made us realise how important it is to build relationships and maintain them. Having your close people around helps you relieve stress, and that means better mental health.
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The other thing that we learnt this year was to normalise taking breaks. Most of us feel guilty for taking time off to relax and engage in our favourite activities. In fact, this year was worse, because we’ve been working from home all the time, without taking a break. But guess what, it is important for your mental health, and this is something that must be remembered in the long run.
Last but not the least, if you choose to go for professional help, there is nothing wrong with it. This was the very first time that conversations around mental health grew louder, and that’s a huge relief. Therapy is all about navigating your life the right way, and not just when you are in a crisis.
So ladies, make sure you take these lessons to next year, and have a fulfilling 2021!
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