The monsoon season has poured into our lives once again. Though it can bring much-needed relief from the cruel summer heat, they also rain down on a lot of our plans. It is no secret that the weather affects our mood and behaviour patterns. In the monsoon, when the days are dark and our activity gets limited, it is easy to feel down. But trust yoga to stay active!
I know monsoon is a season for curling up in bed, but not being active makes us susceptible to more infections and the lack of physical activity can have long-lasting effects on our health as well. The rainy season is a good excuse for skipping your morning jog or avoiding the gym, but the tips I have for you here can be done from inside your house while enjoying the rain. All you need is a yoga mat.
Motivating yourself to stay active in the gloomy weather can be tough, but these simple yoga asanas and breathwork will provide you with just the boost you need to get going.
The best way to enhance your immune system is through breathwork and yoga. They strengthen immunity, improve circulation, and provide a sense of calm. So, on a rainy day, bring out your yoga mat, enjoy the ambience of the rain, and get started with these yoga poses to stay active and fit.
Kapalbhati pranayam is a great way to detoxify the body. This is a powerful breathing technique that cleanses the respiratory system and energizes the mind and body. In fact, as you gradually establish a steady and rhythmic breathing pattern, you contribute to reducing the levels of stress hormones while also stimulating the lymphatic system, a vital component in supporting immune function. This pranayam also helps in expelling stale air from the lungs and purifying the blood.
To perform Kapal Bhati Pranayam:
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Nadi Shodhan Pranayam, also known as alternate nostril breathing, is an essential yogic breathing technique that helps balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This pranayama taps into your parasympathetic nervous system, promoting mental clarity, reducing stress, and calming the nervous system. This pranayama is excellent for the monsoon when your nose and sinuses are more likely to get blocked.
To perform Nadi Shodhan Pranayam:
Adho Mukha Shvanasana, commonly known as a downward-facing dog pose, is a rejuvenating yoga pose that stretches and strengthens the entire body, increasing lung capacity and improving immunity. It increases blood flow to the brain, calms the mind, and relieves fatigue, making it an excellent choice for staying active during the monsoon. The flow of blood to the brain helps relieve headache and mental fogginess.
To perform Adho Mukha Shvanasana:
The monsoon season should not be an excuse to neglect our fitness routines. These yoga poses can help you combat the monsoon blues and keep you active and energized throughout this rainy season. Incorporate these yoga poses into your daily routine to experience their numerous physical and mental benefits and make the most of the monsoon season. Try to keep yourself calm while performing these yoga poses.
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