Today you have to take more care of your lower back issues. Don’t over exert by lifting anything heavy. Your lower back has been sensitive for a while and you have just been over exerting it too much. Try to relax as much as you can today and avoid a workout routine as it can put your back health at risk.
On the work front, work will be stable, but you will get dragged into other people’s problems. By the second half things will settle down. Be more assertive about your boundaries. Initially, people at work will find it difficult to respect or understand it but eventually, they will come around. You will have to push people at work to focus on finishing off pending work, or else it will slow work down in days to come.
Family life will be smooth, with some positive news about a family member coming through. Social life will take a back seat due to family obligations. Avoid bickering with your partner over work related matters or decisions. You need to find a way to calm your mind and disconnect from your emotions, so you can focus better in all areas of your life. Social life will be active and you will be the center of attention.
If you are single, you will be loved by someone who has been showing keen interest in you and means well.
Activity tip- Do some form of cardio to destress post work.
Lucky colour for work- White.
Lucky colour for love- Sea green.
Karmic tip-Avoid being judgemental.
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