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6 fantastic things sandalwood can do your skin that we bet you didn’t know about

Sandalwood oil has a plethora of benefits for your skin that go beyond curing your acne.
ways to use sandalwood
Your mummy was right about chandan! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Chetna Pattnaik Updated: 13 Oct 2023, 05:07 pm IST
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Extracted from the Santalum album tree, sandalwood oil is used as a key ingredient in beauty products throughout the world. In fact, most of us have  grown up listening to our grandmothers raving about the benefits of sandalwood paste and oil for the skin, especially if you have acne. But did you know that the uses of sandalwood go beyond just curing your zits?

Sandalwood oil and extracts can be a magical elixir for your skin as they can fix almost any problem. Don’t believe us? Read on… 

1. It has anti-ageing properties
Sandalwood oil can keep the skin from sagging. Rich in antioxidants, sandalwood helps fight the damage that is caused by free radicals and thus prevents the formation of wrinkles. All you have to do is apply a mixture of sandalwood oil with honey and egg yolk, keep it on for 20 minutes, and gently rinse it off.

2. A cure for pimples and acne
Sandalwood has a soothing effect on inflammation caused by pimples and acne. Add sandalwood oil to some turmeric powder and camphor to achieve this effect. Apply it to your zits and leave it on overnight and wash it off the next morning, with just plain water.

sandalwood powder for acne
Heed this mom’s advice if you want to get rid of acne. GIF courtesy: Giphy

3. It removes scars and softens the skin
Sandalwood reduces the appearance of bruises and scars, and softens the skin. If you can’t find sandalwood oil to get the job done, take pure sandalwood powder and add it to a carrier oil that suits your skin and let it sit for around 12 hours. Massage it on your face, leave it on for a few minutes, and wash it off with water.

4. It has anti-tanning properties
Sandalwood oil is a great way to get rid of skin tanning. Make a paste with sandalwood oil (or powder), honey, lemon juice, and curd. Apply it on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes. Et voila! You’re done.

5. It can save your skin from prickly heat
The soothing and calming effect of sandalwood on the skin acts as a cure for prickly heat. It is safe to use for all age groups, including babies.

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Also, read: These 5 home-made face packs will help your skin meet summer head-on

6. Sandalwood can treat eczema
All you have to do is apply 1-2 drops of sandalwood oil over the area of concern every day to treat your eczema issues.

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Understanding fitness the hard way, Chetna has finally learnt to strike a balance between her protein shake and her beer and making room for her writing desk and her gym at the same time. ...Read More

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