Health will need attention due to body aches and pain. It could be because of weak muscles or exerting yourself while playing a sport or working out. A massage or physiotherapy might help you relieve the pain. You also need to cut down on emotional eating and go on a detox. Balance water intake. Try having juices and coconut water to hydrate yourself.
On the work front, a slow start to the day where you will focus on what’s important to you. Expect work to pick up pace in the second half of the day. Co-workers will depend on you for decision-making. You will also have to face some criticism for decisions made in the past but you will be mentally strong enough to learn from them.
Family member’s health will need attention. They could also be worried about stuck finances at their end. You will have to sit them down and give them some emotional security and ask them to have more patience and faith. A younger family member could be emotionally low and you will also have to remove time to give them a pep talk. The evening will be spent in the company of partners and old friends. You will initiate some conversation with a friend regarding work ideas and new development. Your friend will be able to connect you with the right kind of people who could help you in areas of work.
If you are single, you will feel rather low and moody about your past and your love life. Don’t dwell on negative emotions.
Activity tip: Journal your personal goals before sleeping.
Lucky colour for work: Light pink.
Lucky colour for love: Green.
Karmic tip: Don’t take things personally.
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