Virgo Daily Health Horoscope for April 11: Maintain consistency in all aspects of your life

Virgo Daily Health Horoscope for April 11: Discipline will iron out all issues in your life -be it personal or professional.
Virgo Daily Health Horoscope July 29
Take your medications on time.
Tamanna C Published: 11 Apr 2022, 01:08 am IST
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Dear Virgo natives, your health will need attention as you will feel sensitive or under the weather. You also need to be consistent with your medication for any existing ailment or any home remedies that you use for your well-being. Following a diet or home remedies for few days and then letting go won’t give you the desired results that you need. Avoid late nights, else it will lead to disturbed sleep pattern and ruin the next day at work for you.

Work will be super hectic as you will be in charge of executing new work and also creating a plan of action for your team members to follow. There will be more responsibility and power given to you. You will be the center of attention amidst seniors. Expect work from old clients to be demanding. Organize your finances in a better way. Don’t jump to decisions without viewings things from a :bird’s eye point of view.

Your family life will be stressful due to a family member’s health. They have been constantly neglecting their health, which has lead to things getting serious. There is no point nagging them as it will only create more friction. Rather than nagging anyone, be calm and spend quality time with them. All other obligations will take a back seat as you would want to spend time at home with family.

If you are single, you will reach out to someone from the past to clear the air or get some form of closure.

Activity tip: Get back to reading.
Lucky colour for work: Light pink.
Lucky colour for love: Black.
Health tip: Focus on one thing at a time.

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About the Author

Tamanna C is an Angel Therapist, Psychic Healer and Spiritual Coach, Reiki practitioner, Crystal and Pranic Healer. She helps individuals in recognizing their underlying subconscious blocks and fears that might be affecting their personal and professional life. She specializes in past life healing, soul chart preparation, karma releasing, spirit guide connection. ...Read More

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