Health will be unstable and also take a toll on your emotional well-being. Physical fatigue will spill into mental exhaustion and you will find it difficult to take things at face value, don’t allow your irritation to come in the way of you focussing on what’s important to you.
Work will be stable but you will filter your responsibility and focus on the need of the hour. Expect work from new clients. You need to focus on one thing at a time. While work will be hectic in the second half of the day. Don’t let your insecurities towards co-workers will get the better of you. Avoid comparing your work with others. You will also take time to de-clutter emails, paperwork, etc. senior members will turn to you for some expansion related advice before the evening ends.
Family members’ health will need attention. You might have to accompany them to the doctor or arrange for medical aid for them. Social life will take a back seat. Partner’s health will need attention first half of the day but nothing major that you need to worry about. Checking on them will help them feel better. Avoid friction with your partner due to something they said in the passing. Social life will be stable and you will connect with friends who might help you in areas of work.
If you are single, you will be too tired to step out to catch up with people.
Activity tip- work out before hitting work. It will help you build your stamina.
Lucky colour for work- light green.
Lucky colour for love-dark blue.
Karmic tip- don’t compare yourself to others.
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