Health will be stable. You will focus on changing your sleep patterns and also practise meditation or some calming exercise in order to balance your sleep patterns. Some alternative medicine like homoeopathy will also help you relax mentally.
Work will be hectic, as you will have multiple meetings/ presentations lined up. You will be setting a foundation for new work. Associations. Those looking to expand or change their job can expect some clarity today. Don’t be overconfident as there is still going to be some time before you get the desired results.
Family and social life will be hectic with obligations, events and plans to go to. Avoid friction with younger family members. Don’t control or interfere with their personal relationships else you might face backlash. You might have to change plans last minute due to exhaustion leaving someone disappointed. Don’t take things personally with partner. There could be on going stress due to partner’s family related issues. Give them the space to be.
If you are single, be more proactive in meeting someone you’ve been talking to and you fancy. Don’t wait for them to take the lead.
Activity tip: Meditation when you wake up in the morning.
Lucky colour for work: Pink.
Lucky colour for love: White.
Karmic tip: Be letting go.
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