Health will be stable. You will be charged and will have enough energy to finish off everything you take up. Your exercise routine will go for a toss, as you may have long working hours. You will also have to make a conscious effort to balance eating patterns as due to a hectic work schedule, you may end up skipping meals. It’s also essential to eat healthy meals that include fresh fruits and vegetables, and foods that are rich in nutrients.
Work will be stable. Meetings lined up today will go as per plan. You will also have the liberty to take some important decisions and work with new team members. Focus on finishing pending work. You may hear from an old friend regarding some work-related opportunity. Listen to them but don’t commit without knowing more details. It’s important to think it through and accordingly make a decision.
Family life will be demanding as a member’s health will need attention. There could be some concerns that you might have to address. A visit to a doctor with them will help. Your partner will be supportive and give you the space to deal with your family duties. Avoid being moody with friends who want to be there for you.
If you are single, you will withdraw from the attention you’ve been getting.
Activity tip: Channelize your creative ideas
Lucky colour for work: Light blue
Lucky colour for love: Beige
Health tip: Be forgiving
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