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Take this quiz and we’ll tell you just how poorly you have been treating your heart

Published on:26 September 2020, 03:47pm IST

It’s high time that you take charge of your heart health. This quiz will help you figure out just how far gone you are and where you need to begin.

chest pain and heart attack
Happy heart equals to a happy YOU! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Your heart health matters. If you understand this mantra today then you won’t have to worry about your cardiovascular health for the rest of your life. 

Experts blame the lifestyle that we are leading for most heart ailments, and ladies, let us tell you: several premenopausal situations are becoming the biggest causes of stroke and heart failure, according to an article published in the journal American Heart Association.
The bigger problem is that your lethargy could be coming between you and your heart health. But how bad is the situation?

Well, take this quiz and find out: 

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How often do you exercise?

How often do you nosh on junk food?

Can you climb stairs without panting?

Do you snore?

How often do you have to take antibiotics?

Are your irises turning white?

Do you crave sugar all the time?

For how many hours do you sit in one place?

Are you able to sleep properly at night?

How often do you get angry?

How’s your sex life?

Are you dealing with gum problems?

Do you live alone?