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Itchy eyes? Ask your parents to abide by these tips to keep their eyes safe from monsoon maladies

This monsoon season, keep your family away from eye infections like conjunctivitis by adhering to these simple tips.
eye infection
Be careful about eye infections in summer. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Nikita Bhardwaj
Updated On: 30 Oct 2023, 03:10 pm IST

Eye infections are inevitable during the monsoon season, especially when it comes to the elderly and kids. The main reason behind the rapid spread of eye infections is the hot and humid weather that triggers the growth of bacteria. But if you keep a few things in mind, you can very well curb eye infections like conjunctivitis. 

One of the most sensitive parts of our bodies, eyes are easily prone to infections during the rainy season. This risk is greater in the case of aging adults, as with age, their bodies weaken and so do the bones, muscles, and immunity levels. That’s why this period also witnesses a sharp rise in infections, especially those related to eyes and skin.

Two very common eye infections seen in elderly during monsoon

According to Dr Mamta Mittal, an ophthalmologist and founder of Seniors First, the elderly population might face the brunt of poor eyesight. That’s because it increases the risk of falling and slipping during the monsoon season. Some of the common eye problems that senior citizens experience are conjunctivitis, eye stye, dry eyes, and corneal ulcer, etc, just to name a few. 

  1. Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is an infectious disease and during the rains, the chances of elders catching conjunctivitis are higher due to increased moisture in the air. During the monsoon season, incidences of stye also increase. In this condition, the base of the eyelash leads to the formation of a painful lump on the eyelid and causes pain and discomfort. Furthermore, dust, pollen, medicines or cosmetics usage can also cause red and itchy eyes, triggering other forms of eye allergies
  2. The corneal ulcer is another painful eye infection that is most commonly caused by coming in contact with bacteria, viruses, fungi, or a parasite. This is an eye emergency and could be potentially blinding as well, if not treated properly on time.
eye infection
It’s important to take care of your eyes. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Eye infections can be cured by immediately consulting an eye doctor, and following the prescribed treatment. However, prevention is better than cure.

Also read: Loss of eye sight seen in almost 15% of patients with mucormycosis

Here are some simple eye care tips for the elderly

Eye care for seniors is extremely important, especially during the rainy season, when the danger of catching eye infections is highly likely. Here, we share with you a few simple and workable eye care tips for the seniors in your family, which can safeguard them from any kind of eye infection.

  • The golden rule is to never let them touch their eyes with dirty hands
  • Washing hands frequently is another way out to ensure that the soiled hands do not infect the eyes 
  • One should avoid sharing their personal items or essentials such as towels, handkerchiefs, etc. 
  • Having a balanced and nutritious diet and building strong immunity levels, so as to keep infections at bay naturally.
  • Avoiding wearing contact lenses and applying heavy makeup during the rainy season.
  • Before the monsoon season, seniors should get an eye check-up done. This will also help rectify poor eyesight issues in real-time and will further eliminate the risk of them falling or slipping during rains.
eye infection
With theses tips you can safeguard your eyes from infection. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

However, self-medication and using over-the-counter eye drops is a strict no! In case of any trouble or discomfort, one should immediately get a check-up done with an eye specialist and follow his prescribed treatment.

Also read: Loss of eye sight seen in almost 15% of patients with mucormycosis

The last word

“Monsoons can be an extremely dangerous time period, especially for the elderly. While the chances of catching eye infections increase significantly, the same can be prevented by following basic hygiene practices,” says Dr Mittal. 

Lastly, she concludes, “Additionally, in scenarios when they experience symptoms, one should immediately seek assistance from an eye specialist and follow the doctor’s diagnosis and treatment. The infections, though risky, can be cured under medical supervision. However, the aim should be to adopt the policy of ‘prevention is better than cure’ and be proactive in terms of eye health and eye care for the seniors, so as to reduce the chances of them being prone to any eye infection.” 

Disclaimer: At Health Shots, we are committed to providing accurate, reliable, and authentic information to support your health and well-being. However, the content on this website is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider for personalised advice regarding your specific medical condition or concerns.

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About The Author
Nikita Bhardwaj
Nikita Bhardwaj

Six-pack abs are all that Nikita needs, along with her daily dose of green tea. At Health Shots, she produces videos, podcasts, stories, and other kick-ass content.

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