
Today, we are demystifying tantric sex. You can thank us later!

Tantric sex is all about the journey, not just the destination. Here’s how it can bring you and your partner closer.
Know why you should have tantric sex with your partner. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Aayushi Gupta Published: 30 Mar 2021, 18:04 pm IST

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Ever heard of tantric sex? Better yet, have you ever tried it? If you have indeed heard of it and are hesitant to give it a shot, then we are here to tell you that tantric sex can actually be good for your relationship

The concept of tantric sex originated from ancient Hinduism. It focuses on understanding each other’s needs during sexual intercourse, and aims to strengthen the bond between you and your partner.

But what really happens during tantric sex?

Tantric sex allows you to feel the physical, mental, and emotional presence and connection with your partner—in turn creating avenues to know each other;s bodies deeply. To practice tantric sex, you must start by taking a deep breath. To connect with your partner, you can gaze into each other’s eyes, cuddle, engage all senses, and give each other a massage.

But apart from connection, tantric sex is a great way for you to reach an orgasm and cultivate long-term orgasm responses. Even so, it’s not all about the orgasm!

Tantric sex means going slow and propogates a type of meditative form that allows you to enjoying the sexual journey, and not just wait for the end goal. This path is simple and effective, and can bring you closer to your partner. 

Tantric sex is a whole new way of being in sexual connection. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
The benefits of tantric sex

Tantric sex promotes a greater awareness of one’s body. And the best part is that it benefits everyone. Let us know about some of its benefits here:

  • Tantric sex helps to improve sexual health and stamina.
  • Increased breathing practice during tantric sex encourages blood circulation and body detoxification.
  • You get a chance to discover and understand each other’s body’s desires.
  • This may lead to greater sexual fulfillment.
  • It brings a higher state of ecstasy to partners.
  • Also, it helps to spread the orgasmic energy throughout your body and tantric sex orgasm can last longer.
This meditative sexual practice encourages people to focus on mind-body connections. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
A guide for having solo tantric sex!

Yes, you can have tantric sex on your own. You just need to know some rules. So, here are some tips to get you started:

  • Set a scene where you can feel comfortable.
  • Feel your breath as it plays a vital role in setting your mood.
  • Practice mindfulness or meditation that will help you build energy throughout your body and helps you present in the moment.
  • Explore your body by using your hands and try to feel the bodily sensations.
  • You can also give a message to yourself.
  • Because achieving orgasm is not a goal of tantric sex, so when you practice solo tantric sex you can also masturbate to feel more connected to your body.

Tantric sex can be an amazing way to connect with yourself and your partner. So, if you feel comfortable, try it!

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Aayushi Gupta

Aayushi Gupta is a health writer with a special interest in trends related to diet, fitness, beauty and intimate health. With around 2 years of experience in the wellness industry, she is connected to leading experts and doctors to provide our readers with factually correct information. ...Read More

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