8 reasons why you are feeling horny all the time
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Have you been feeling horny all the time? Well, you should know that this is probably due to the steady rise in your libido, which is leaving you with the constant desire to have sex. Most of us start feeling horny upon hitting puberty and honestly, it is totally normal to have sexual feelings. In fact, you might even be asking yourself, ‘why am I still horny after sex!’ But remember, judging yourself is not the right way to go forward.
Feeling horny is a natural function of your body. Your sex drive can be influenced by many factors which are biological, psychological, and social in nature. Overall, the desire for sex is absolutely normal but there can be certain causes that can cause you to feel horny all the time.
Why are you feeling horny?
There are various reasons that can result in an increased libido, which can lead you to feeling horny all the time.
1. Hormonal changes
We all know hormonal changes are the reason behind you feeling horny. Hormone levels vary at different stages of life, especially during puberty and when you’re experiencing menopause. Such changes hormone levels also cause changes in your libido, and this is what makes someone horny. In a study, published in Hormones Behavior, it was observed that testosterone therapy successfully increased sexual desire in all of their female participants.
2. Aphrodisiac food
If you are wondering why are you always horny, you might be surprised to know that what you eat can affect your sex drive. You can blame aphrodisiac foods like avocado, mangoes, broccoli, and almonds because consuming these on a regular basis can boost your libido.
3. Menstrual cycle
What makes someone horny also depends on their menstrual cycle. As the level of oestrogen and progesterone changes, your libido also goes through its highs and lows. This is why you might feel horny all the time, a few days in a month. A study, published in Psychoneuroendocrinology, states that there are changes sexual arousability over the menstrual cycle. It is actually a positive sign regarding your reproductive health and nothing to be ashamed of.
4. Alcohol and drug intake
Your alcohol and drug intake play a big part in what causes horniness as well. When you feel more relaxed, you might end up feeling ‘in the mood.’ You’re more open about your feelings and you want to feel close to the person you like. This often manifests as an increased level of libido! A 1995 review published in the journal Recent Developments in Alcoholism noted that alcohol influences your sexual desires, arousal, and pleasure.
5. A new relationship
Having a new relationship is extremely exciting and is often accompanied by a burning desire to have sex with your new partner, and this is what makes you horny as well. It is easy to feel constantly horny in the anticipation of the next time you both will get together.
6. Hypersexuality
Sex addiction and hypersexuality sometimes point towards mental health issues that can be treated with medical help. Due to sex addiction, you can end up losing a lot of important relationships and be burdened with feelings of shame. So, in this case, you might want to take professional help to deal with a high libido.
7. Masturbation
If you are wondering why you are randomly horny, it might be because of this reason. Most people think masturbation will be relaxing and relieve sexual desire. But, it may just cause you to be more aroused due to an increased interest in the ‘activity’.
8. Sexualised content consumption
If you’ve been watching too many R-rated movies and shows, containing a considerable amount of sexual content then it could lead to a boost in your libido. What we watch definitely influences us and it does so, often, in ways we don’t even realise! So check what you are watching before wondering why you are so horny.
Ladies, feelings of sexual desire are totally normal but if high libido is disrupting your life, you should seek medical intervention.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. When should I consult a doctor about low libido?
If you experience persistent low libido that significantly impacts your quality of life, it’s advisable to consult a healthcare provider. They can help identify any underlying medical or psychological causes and recommend appropriate treatment.
2. How can I naturally increase my libido?
You can increase your libido by managing stress, sleeping well, eating a balanced diet, being active. It is also important to have an open and honest communication with your partner. That can enhance intimacy.
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