Taurus Daily Health Horoscope for April 1: Try to take care of your mental health too

Taurus Daily Health Horoscope for April 1: Today, your mental health needs extra TLC. Do not fall for the stress of workload.
Taurus Daily Health Horoscope July 31
Drink plenty of fluids.
Written by: Tamanna C
Published On: 1 Apr 2022, 12:01 am IST
  • 184

Health will need attention due to ongoing stomach and lower back-related issues. If you have been on medication make sure you maintain discipline and don’t skip your medication. Avoid eating out today else it may backfire.

Work will be stable, but due to being mentally tired, you may not be able to focus. You also need to be decisive but don’t take any physical steps today. Old clients will nag and pressurize you to finish off their pending work. Try to be more organised rather than being defensive. Stuck finances at work will cause delays on the work front.

Family life will take a back seat, as you will have plans for post work to catch up with your partner and friends. Partner will be emotionally demanding, as they have been feeling insecure about certain things you said in the past. Make sure you put their insecurities to rest. Don’t try to prove your point at the cost of hurting their emotions. Social obligations will be refreshing as you will meet new people and also spend time with old friends. A dear friend will turn to you for finance related advice.

If you are single, you will take a back seat from all the attention you’ve been getting as you may be overloaded with work on your mind.

Activity tip: Spending time amidst nature will help.

Lucky colour for work: Lavender.

Lucky colour for love: Light blue.

Karmic tip: Be gentle with others.

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About The Author
Tamanna C
Tamanna C

Tamanna C is an Angel Therapist, Psychic Healer and Spiritual Coach, Reiki practitioner, Crystal and Pranic Healer. She helps individuals in recognizing their underlying subconscious blocks and fears that might be affecting their personal and professional life. She specializes in past life healing, soul chart preparation, karma releasing, spirit guide connection.

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