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This winter, nourish your tresses with this hydrating DIY mayonnaise hair mask

A mayonnaise hair mask can be extremely moisturising and help you combat dry hair, especially during the winter season.
mayonnaise with raw eggs
Mayo is the key to moisturize your hair! Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Written by: Grace Bains
Updated On: 8 Jan 2021, 01:22 pm IST

Invented in 1756 by a French chef to make up for the absence of cream in his kitchen, mayonnaise is one of the most-loved foods today, all over the globe. From sandwiches and fries to street momos, it goes well with pretty much anything and everything. Turns out that apart from your food, you can also add it to your hair care routine.

Sounds equal parts gross and bizarre, doesn’t it? But, let’s be honest, you use so many things to keep your locks shining and strong, so why not try mayonnaise? If you break it down, the ingredients it is made out of are extremely nourishing for your hair. It is, after all, a mixture of vegetable oil, eggs and vinegar.

Eggs are a known superfood for the hair. Rich in protein, vitamin E and folate, they moisturise the tresses deeply, aid healthy hair growth and improve its texture. Vinegar, which has anti-inflammatory and exfoliating properties, ensures your scalp stays clean and free of dandruff. The oil content of mayonnaise can prove to be extremely nourishing for your tresses, moisturising them and giving them new life. 

So, mayonnaise doesn’t seem like such a bizarre ingredient for your hair mask after all, does it?

mayonnaise for hair
Mayo can condition your hair naturally. Image for representation purpose only.
Here are the ingredients you’ll need to make a deeply moisturising mayonnaise hair mask

-½ cup mayonnaise, 

-1 tbsp honey, 

– 2-3 tbsp fenugreek seeds water

Here’s how you can prepare the mayonnaise hair mask

Step 1: Add one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds to a glass of water and leave it overnight. This will help the water soak in the goodness of fenugreek seeds that are known to be a natural moisturiser for the tresses. What’s more, fenugreek will also help prevent hair fall!

Step 2: Add mayonnaise, honey and fenugreek water to a bowl. Mix these ingredients together. You can adjust the quantity of the ingredients, according to the length of your hair and the consistency you prefer.

This is the most effective way of applying this hair mask

Step 1: Steam your hair. You can use a towel dipped in warm water for this or a steaming apparatus. This will open up the pores of your scalp and improve the absorption of the hair mask. Improved absorption will maximise the effects of the ingredients you’ll be applying on your tresses.

Step 2: Apply the hair mask on your scalp and along the length of your hair. Make sure you’re being generous even when it comes to the tips of your hair.

Step 3: You should ideally let this hair mask do its job for at least 30 minutes, before washing it off. If needed, you can cover your hair with a shower cap.

Step 4: Wash your hair using lukewarm water and a mild shampoo.

Also, watch:

This mayonnaise hair mask is exactly what your tresses need this winter for deep moisturisation. Apart from moisturisation, it will also:

  • Control hair fall
  • Aid hair growth
  • Prevent dandruff
  • Improve texture
  • Add shine to your tresses

So, ladies, it’s time to pamper yourself by using mayonnaise for hair!

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About The Author
Grace Bains
Grace Bains

Grace is someone who likes writing enough to make a living out of it. When she isn’t writing, you will find her having chai and reading a book.

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