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These 100% natural hair care tips will help you regrow hair on bald spots

If those scanty patches of hair on your scalp have been bothering you for some time, here are 5 natural hair care tips to help you regrow hair on bald spots.
regrow hair
Get your glorious locks back with these tips. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Dr Ritika Dhingra Published: 27 Dec 2020, 04:30 pm IST
  • 95

On average, a person loses 50-100 hairs each day—which is quite normal. But several studies show that anything past that could be a reason of concern. There could be many reasons behind accelerated and/or abnormal hair loss—one of them being the lack of key minerals and vitamins in our diet, unlike our ancestors.

We are sure you must have come across numerous articles on how to control hair fall, but not many will tell you how to grow hair on those hairless spots. Well, you need not worry!

Here’s everything you wish you knew about bringing getting your shiny locks back in no time:
1. Abide by your oiling schedule

We all must have heard our mothers and grandmothers always emphasising on the need to oil and massage our hair. To our surprise, it is indeed very essential. Research explains that massaging your scalp with lavender essential oil and tea tree oil are proven to speed up the process of hair growth and also leads to shinier and stronger hair. It restores hair growth and can also be used in conjunction with hair oil and masks. If not these, something as easy as coconut oil can be used to massage your hair as it penetrates right through your scalp.

regrow hair on bald spots
You must learn to massage your scalp properly. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
2. Remedy to almost everything: aloe vera

The versatile uses of aloe vera are renowned and one of them is curing hair loss. One of the inexpensive methods to correct the situation is to apply pure aloe vera gel to your scalp and the roots of your hair as it soothes the scalp and also acts as a conditioner to your hair. It reduces dandruff and unblocks hair follicles that are blocked by excess oil. Follow this a 2 to 3 times per week to see quick results.

3. Trust the gair growth potential of ginseng

Ginseng increases the dermal cells on the scalp that help to strengthen the follicles and roots of the hair. This not only encourages the new growth of strands but also prevents hair thinning and breakage. It is widely acknowledged as a sound way to promote hair regrowth.

4. Onion juice can also help you out

Onion juice has been shown to successfully treat patchy alopecia areata by improving blood circulation. Apply the juice to your scalp and hair and leave in for at least 15 minutes and then rinse the same with lukewarm water. Repeat it before your every hair wash to see results.

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regrow hair on bald spots
Make onion juice at home and apply it on your hair to regrow them. Image courtesy: Unsplash
5. The quickest possible remedy: Lemon

A very simple way to promote hair regrowth is by using lemon juice or lemon oil. Both of them are considered as the holy grail for our hair as they not only promote growth but also improve hair quality and help to treat dandruff. Lemon oil can help to maintain a healthy scalp and encourage hair growth. Apply fresh lemon juice to your scalp and hair 15 minutes prior to washing and see instant results.

Balding is very normal and it doesn’t make you any less beautiful. However, a few additions to your lifestyle can bring in your desired results. So, gear up and gain your hair!

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About the Author

Dr Ritika Dhingra is an advanced cosmetology expert. She is also the founder of The Luxe Clinic, Delhi. ...Read More

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