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As women, we all love our vaginas — after all, they are the superheroes of our lives! But in some cases, there’s not one but two of them! Some of them also have two uteruses — yes, you heard it right. A double uterus is a rare occurrence, and happens in cases when two small tubes called Mullerian ducts that are supposed to fuse to form one uterus, remain separate. This condition is also called uterus didelphys.
In this case, women can have one cervix for both wombs, while at other times, each womb can have a separate cervix. What’s important to remember is that women with two uteruses can conceive, but there’s a high risk of miscarriage or premature labour.
The answer is no, in most cases. In fact, most women do not even know that they have a double uterus, unless and until there’s a pelvic examination. It is found accidentally during most routine check-ups at the gynecologist.
There are a few instances that could indicate that you have a double vagina and uterus. Say if you insert a tampon into your vagina during your period, and you still bleed, it could be a sign that the other vagina is still bleeding.
Not really, it is a congenital abnormality. As mentioned above, it happens when the two small tubes do not fuse together, and remain separate. But as of now, there are no specific reasons known for this condition. Some experts suggest it could be a play of the genes.
Like we said, there are no symptoms and you will only know about this condition, when your doctor conducts a routine pelvic exam. Once that happens, you might be asked to go for some tests, especially if you have suffered from several miscarriages.
There is no other treatment, apart from surgery. Most women prefer not to do anything, especially if there are no symptoms that can be seen. It is only required in cases where the patient wants to conceive, but is struggling with frequent miscarriages. The surgery will help to remove the dividing membrane in their vagina.
It largely doesn’t cause problems in women who want to get pregnant. The shape of the uterus can sometimes cause miscarriages. That’s because those who have a double uterus have smaller uteri, which can lead to preterm labour. Your doctor is likely to keep a close watch on your pregnancy to ensure everything is well with your baby. They could also suggest a C-section in some cases.
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