Bollywood actor Mandira Bedi, who lost her husband last month, has been slowly and steadily trying to adopt a positive approach towards life. In her recent Instagram post, she has shared, ““I welcome every opportunity of operating from outside of my comfort zone. I am not guided by fear. I am guided by love and gratitude,” joining her palms to gesture ‘namaste’ and then forming a heart.
Check out the post for yourself:
Mandira’s fans have called her an ‘inspiration’ and a symbol of strength.
Affirmations have helped several people make significant strides in their lives. But it is important to know how to use affirmations, because guess what? That really matters a lot. The way you use it determines its success.
Also, read: Here’s how you can get your child to listen to you through positive discipline
The reason why affirmations work for certain people is because they have the ability to program your mind into believing a certain concept. Sometimes, when we watch a movie, we either start to believe the characters are real or just do not empathise with them. The same goes for affirmations!
Aso, read: These positive affirmations can change your life and bring you peace of mind
At the end of the day, there are all kinds of affirmations, but it is important to focus on the important ones. For instance, when we were told by our teacher that we weren’t good enough, it got stuck in our minds. So, train your mind to focus on the good!
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