
Trying to get healthy in 2020? Start by reinventing your kitchen in just 5 easy-peasy ways

‘Tis the time to healthify your kitchen by paying attention to storage rules, cooking root to stem, and banishing plastics once and all.
Your kitchen is the nucleus of your home. Reinvent it like a pro. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Deeksha Sarin Updated: 15 Jan 2020, 17:52 pm IST

With the onset of the New Year, or shall we say a completely new decade, almost all of us feel an urge to transform ourselves. Hence, we make New Year resolutions to lose weight, get healthy, and whatnot. Some of us take this a step ahead and attempt to re-imagine a familiar environment like the living room or kitchen area.

 When it comes to reinventing the kitchen space, a lot of things have to be kept in consideration–especially if you want to get healthy. 

Right from basic raw ingredients to storage boxes and daily use utensils–a complete makeover will cost you time and effort. But that goes without saying, right? 

Today, we’re going to share with you some healthy kitchen tips that’ll make your kitchen into a healthy haven–and help you preserve the nutritional value of food. 

So here is how you can reinvent your kitchen in 2020 with maximum ease and minimum hassle.

1. Buy fresh fruits and veggies and break-up with packaged grocery
For a fully-stocked kitchen, grocery shopping is an absolute must. But most grocery items come in plastic or aluminium packaging, boxes or even cans that can pose threat to your health.

Ditch packaged grocery and make fresh produce your best friend. GIF courtesy: GIPHY

So, the simple thing to do here is to replace packaged grocery items with fresh produce that is either harvested from your in-house garden or sourced from an organic market. This way, you’ll ensure that you best chemical-free produce that is NOT a strain on the environment.

2. Re-evaluate your relationship with plastic containers
All that plastic in your kitchen in the form of containers that you use to store and reheat leftovers can have a serious toll on your health.

These plastics contain Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical that can leach into the food while you’re heating it and make it toxic. According to the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), once BPA is ingested, it can disrupt the function of hormones in the body–especially oestrogen.

So, replace plastic containers with glass ones to retain nutrition and give your food a longer shelf life.

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3. Adopt the root-to-stem lifestyle
If you have been peeling the skin of veggies and throwing them away–which, most of us do–then here’s something you need to know. The skin and stems of fruits and veggies are bursting with nutrients–hence discarding them leads to nutrition loss.

According to a study, published in the International Food Research Journal, there is a presence of a large number of biologically-active phytochemicals in all parts of the plants such as stems, barks, peels, stalks, flowers, fruits, leaves, roots, seeds etc.

Eat the stems! GIF courtesy: GIPHY

So, if you plan to make a broccoli stir-fry tonight, instead of discarding its stem, preserve it and add to your meal’s nutritional value.

Also, read: #RewindTheDecade: 8 healthy food trends that took the 2010s by a storm

4. Add sprouting utensils to your kitchen
Sprouted foods deserve a legit place in your diet. The process of sprouting not only improves the digestibility of the food but also increases its nutritional value to a great extent.

According to a review in the American Journal of Plant Nutrition, the sprouting process increases vitamin synthesis by six to 10 times compared to levels of non-germinated seeds.

So, make that sprout-maker a kitchen essential–right now!

5. Practice smart storage rules for fresh produce
Having a fully-stocked refrigerator sure sounds great and satisfying–but just give it a few days and you’ll have wilted or soggy veggies on your hands.

For instance, if you’ve been storing apples and oranges in the same fruit basket, you’ve been doing it all wrong. Surprised? Well, some foods just don’t get along well with each other. Ethylene, the ripening agent in fruits, will lead to faster spoilage of any produce around it.

Other than this, you should store root veggies in cool, dark, humid places to retain nutrients.

So, keep these healthy kitchen tips in mind and make your kitchen a happy place again.

Deeksha Sarin

An eccentric foodie and a die-hard falooda lover, Deeksha loves riding scooty in search of good street food! Being a full-grown adult, she is shamelessly addicted to stationary and all-things cutesy. Excellent in making spontaneous plans in town and abroad, she is perpetually bitten by the travel bug. ...Read More

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