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#RewindTheDecade: 8 healthy food trends that took the 2010s by a storm

Now that the decade is about to end, here's a round-up of all the healthy food trends that created a buzz among the food and health enthusiasts across the world!
pregnancy weight
Top healthy food trends of the decade. GIF courtesy: GIPHY
Deeksha Sarin Updated: 27 Dec 2019, 02:11 pm IST
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This decade witnessed a number of healthy food trends that created a buzz in the food and nutrition circuit. While a few were utterly bizarre, there were some that managed to take the culinary world by storm.

From restaurants and fad diets to desi ingredients replete with nutrition, let’s take a closer look at some of the popular healthy food trends that dominated India’s food scene.

1. Desi superfoods that made a difference
There is no denying the fact that Indian household kitchens are a treasure trove of healthy ingredients. In the decade gone by, a plethora of desi superfoods made headlines for all the right reasons.

Be it turmeric’s healing properties or the good fats present in ghee, a lot of people have started incorporating these ingredients in their regular diets.

Traditional millets like jowar, bajra and ragi have also gained massive traction for being immensely beneficial in aiding weight loss, relaxing the mind and controlling diabetes.

Also, read: Trust these 5 desi superfoods to boost your immunity this winter

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2. Trail mixes: A shift from greasy snacking to healthy one
Amidst healthy dietary choices, another major shift was witnessed in people’s snacking options. With increased awareness about the healthful properties of a variety of nuts and seeds, people started to ditch calorie-laden snacks for healthy trail mixes instead.

Apart from being a delicious snack, a trail mix packs in a nutritional punch too. Thanks to the addition of ingredients like pumpkin seeds, flaxseed, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, pecan nuts, almonds, dried apricots, figs, etc.

Nuts and seeds are abundantly rich in essential nutrients. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

According to a study, published in The Journal of Nutrient, consumption of flaxseed may lower blood pressure slightly.

Also, try: Hungry kya? This low-calorie oats-and-nuts bar is the perfect evening snack

3. Clean eating and vegetarianism
There has been a gradual shift in the dietary choices. As more and more people are becoming health conscious, they have started exploring vegetarianism and veganism. According to a study, published in the International Journal of Cancer, red meat consumption may increase the risk of breast cancer.

The startling revelations about such varieties of meat containing high-fat content have urged people to make smart food choices.

4. Juice cleanses
Back in the year 2010 and 2011, a juice cleanse was considered to be one of the most effective ways to detox the body. If the findings of a latest study are to be believed, consuming fruits and vegetables in their juice or smoothie form will reap you the maximum benefits. It is said to be the best way to obtain the antioxidant lutein. The study was published in the journal, Food Chemistry.

healthy food trends
Blend those fruits and vegetables to reap maximum benefits. GIF courtesy: GIPHY.

Even Ayurveda recommends a day of liquid diet to steer clear of the excess fats and calories that otherwise tend to be a part of our diet. How about giving it a try?

5. Sprout em all!
In the year 2017, plant-based food sources got reinvented. Another health food trend that created ripples among the food and health enthusiasts was that of sprouting everything – from seeds and grains to nuts and seeds. Sprouting has the potential to increase the nutritional value of plant foods by leaps and bounds.

For instance, let’s compare sprouted-grain bread with whole-grain bread. The former has the ability to increases satiety-promoting hormones and lowers the blood sugar response.

6. Intermittent fasting
While there are various intermittent fasting methods, its basic premise is restricting your diet to a limited time period each day. With a lot of celebrities personally endorsing and professing the effects, intermittent fasting gained a lot of traction among people of all age groups.

The buzz word in the diet universe — Intermittent fasting and it totally works. Image courtesy: Shutterstock.

7. Ketogenic diet
A product of this decade, the ketogenic diet is currently one of the most trending fad diets. While it was earlier used as a tool to effectively control epileptic fits in children, today its popularity is more from weight loss point of view. Though, the long-term effects of this low-carb, high-fat and moderate-protein diet are still not known.

As per a study, published in the Journal of Clinical Lipidology, although keto-style diets that are low in carbohydrates may lead to rapid weight loss over a period of six months, the effects are not significant after a year.

Also, read: Can the low-carb keto diet give you great skin? Here’s the real truth

8. Farm-to-table concepts
In order to provide diners with a wholesome, healthy, authentic and local dining experience, restaurants have now ventured into the concept of farm-to-table. It makes use of locally sourced, farm-fresh ingredients in an attempt to embrace a sustainable approach to agriculture and dining.

Local food is said to retain more nutrients and puts less stress on the environment. It has also encouraged the concept of root-to-stem, which was touted to be one of the healthiest food trends of the year 2018.

broccoli can make you lose weight
Broccoli can be consumed from root to stem. GIF Courtesy: GIPHY

The idea behind this is to cook every part of the vegetable, which results in mindful cooking and a further reduction in the quantity of wood waste. It is an excellent way of making the most of the health benefits that plants have to offer to us

The year gone by has indeed set a new wave of healthy food trends! Now, let’s see if all of these are here to stay for a while and what the next decade has in store for us.

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year, 2020!

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About the Author

An eccentric foodie and a die-hard falooda lover, Deeksha loves riding scooty in search of good street food! Being a full-grown adult, she is shamelessly addicted to stationary and all-things cutesy. Excellent in making spontaneous plans in town and abroad, she is perpetually bitten by the travel bug. ...Read More

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