
A motivational speaker shares how you can get out a rut and motivate yourself

With work from home still dragging on and on, it’s quite common to lose your motivation to do anything. Thankfully, we’ve got help.
It’s time to get a new lease on life with these tips. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Shivang Mathur Updated: 9 May 2022, 13:34 pm IST

There are days when you wake up motivated and then there are days when you feel heavy and your inner drive is missing. Overcoming this emotional hurdle is not always easy. Getting motivated is hard especially when you are tired or stressed out. Self-doubt can strike at any time and for various reasons. The fear of not being good enough is something we all deal with at some point.

In this article, we will be looking at various paths of life where you can learn how to motivate yourself: your work life, your workout life, your academic life, social life and your emotional life. 

But the big question is how can you keep yourself motivated when you feel low or depressed. When depression enters your life, suddenly everything backfires. It causes a huge loss of work, personal relations and friendships. So, how can you get yourself out of your recession? 

Here is what you need to do:

1. Set a goal

When all you want to do is crawl into bed and never come out, setting a goal seems almost impossible. However, just because you’re depressed doesn’t mean that everything will end. There are still bills to pay and relationships to maintain.

Slowly set goals for each new day. Start with the goal of getting up from bed and having breakfast, even if you return to bed later. The next day, make it your goal to do several exercises and the next day, make it your goal to meet a friend for coffee even if it is at your house. Thereafter look at setting big goals, such as meeting someone, securing your dream job or planning a trip. These goals will give you something to work on and move forward.

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2. Get plenty of sleep

Getting a proper night’s sleep not only makes you feel well rested, but also rejuvenates the mind, improves memory, protects against health problems like obesity and heart disease, improves your sex life and overall it keeps you in a better mood. Here are some ways you can sleep better at night:

  • Avoid watching your mobile or TV screen at least two hours before bedtime
  • Meditate a little before bed
  • Make sure you have a comfortable mattress
  • Avoid caffeine after noon
3. Stop looking at your social media

If possible, get off social media to let your mind be at peace. This will motivate you to focus on what you are planning to do next or process your life, rather than being stuck in apps allowing others to affect you with their posts and images.

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4. Do a workout that you really like

Before you start thrusting at your feet and shouting, “But I hate them all!” take a chill pill. Open your mind and think. There must be something that you like. Explore options like lifting, running on the treadmill, bike riding, hiking, jogging, yoga, rowing, or even sex. Finding a workout regimen that you really like doing can change your overall outlook towards life.

Exercise to pump yourself up. Image courtesy: Pexels
5. Click for a schedule.

If you work from home, make sure you maintain a traditional work schedule. Wake up, take a shower, have breakfast, and settle in on a full working day. Your friends and family are likely to invite you during work hours, thinking that you don’t technically have a “real job”. Therefore, tell your close peers that even if you are at home, you are “on the clock” like a regular job, but free to mingle after duty hours.

6. Imbibe inspirational quotes

Many people respond positively after pinning inspirational photo quotes around their office space. Scatter and print your favourite to inspire a better work ethic. And don’t just do it while you’re at work!

7. Ensure you get good nutrition

Depression can impact your desire to eat. While some people may not feel like eating at all, some other might end up overeating. If depression has affected your appetite, you really need to focus on your diet and health. Proper nutrition is important for energy and to make a person’s mood better. You should eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, drink enough water and take your nutrient-filled meals on time.

Shivang Mathur

Shivang Mathur is a senior journalist, motivational speaker and inner engineer. ...Read More

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