
How to take care of your intimate health, if you’ve just moved in with your partner

Maybe you’ve just gotten married, or perhaps you’ve entered a live-in relationship. In either case, if you’re still shy around your partner, here’s how you can care for your intimate health.
Emotional health is important in relationships. Image courtesy: Shutterstock
Sonakshi Kohli Published: 18 Dec 2019, 19:02 pm IST

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Of all the relationships you’ve had in life, the one with your vagina is undoubtedly the longest and the most demanding one. After all, you can still get away with not giving time to your partner with an earnest apology. However, there’s no getting away from the wrath of an ignored vagina.

Try leaving it alone and it may get back at you with full force. Perhaps, a terrible rash down there, an unbearable itch, a foul smell, weird discharge, lumps and bumps in the intimate area, and a gazillion other problems that you will have the hardest time dealing with.

At the same time, I completely understand that sometimes in life, with the advent of something new, it can be very difficult to pay as much attention to your vagina. Moving in with your partner post marriage or entering a live-in relationship, for instance, can also affect your bond with Ms. Vee—especially if you’re shy and more so, if you’re still getting to know your partner. 

After all, not every woman is comfortable with putting her bra out to dry, leave alone putting her intimate washes on display in a shared bathroom! I’ve faced this too. So, here are my two-cents on dealing with it: 

1. Keep the intimate washes, well–intimate
Let me make one thing clear first: sharing a bathroom with a partner really doesn’t mean you can’t have your own privacy. Initially, while you’re still shy, you can keep the intimate washes with clear, bold graphics and fonts inside your drawers. Look, if you can actually accept that taking care of your lady parts is as natural as the parts themselves and that it’s not to be hidden, nothing like it. But if you’re still reluctant then hide them away until you’re totally comfortable.

Also read: Do you really need to clean your vagina? Experts weigh in

2. A quiet pad disposal
If you have an attached balcony to your room, keeping a dustbin there to dispose your sanitary napkins can prevent the foul smell from taking over your bathroom. Though that’s as natural as your husband messing up the wash basin with his shaving cream–remember, this solution is just to help you overcome your reservations and make the process easier.

3. The non-negotiable post-sex wash up
After all that good sex, you need a great cleaning ritual–lest you want to catch infections. Don’t be lazy or sleep over it–make sure you wash your vagina thoroughly. Keeping a towel or robe in your bedside drawer at all times keeps you really prepared to get out of bed without getting conscious about walking the path to the bathroom naked.

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Don’t ignore your vagina after sexual intercourse. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

4. Your gynaecologist can be your knight in shining armour
No matter how shy you are, ladies, trying to solve an intimate-health problem by yourself is only going to worsen the situation. So, don’t try to act like a know-it-all self-certified doc. Instead, visit a gynae if you’re facing an issue. You can walk down alone or take your partner/friend/mom with you.

Also read: This is how you should be taking care of your sexual health in your 20s

Sonakshi Kohli

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