
Taurus Health Horoscope

Get your daily dose of astrological predictions for 12 zodiac signs, and find out how the stars have aligned for your health and well-being.
Yesterday: May 04 Taurus
Today: May 05 Taurus
Month: May 2024 Taurus

Luck is on your side and it is as if the planets protect you and keep you from harm. The trends suggest that you’ll be generally healthy and will have some good news about someone else’s health.

This month, you will be in perfect health both physically and mentally. You’ll be feeling full of vitality throughout the month. You may even enjoy a sport of some kind and will brim over with energy. You’ll be dashing around, staying busy. But there’s a down side too. You must also discipline yourself because your stars also suggest overindulgence of food. Eat only home-cooked nutritious food this month if you’re used to eating out otherwise, stomach issues may plague you. When it’s hot outside, one should eat cold foods and avoid drinking tea. 

Working in the sun can lead to heat stroke, so be careful. This month, if you normally eat lunch or dinner at the same place, do not eat there, but instead eat somewhere else.

This would be a period where you may need to feed your mind. It’s essential that you fuel it with healthy habits such as reading a good book, practising meditation, and being active in a community with people of the same thinking and liking. Make it a daily ritual to practise meditation after waking up and before sleep, which may help keep anxiety at bay. Also, keep a healthy gut and try to eat healthy light food. Quit smoking and be a good human being. Love everyone and don’t hate anybody. Show universal love and your luck will be taken care of. 

Doing fasting on Friday will help you to go through your plans easily for your professional life.

About the expert:

Mr Pankaj Khanna is a Delhi-based astrologer and gemologist. He is the chairman of Khanna Gems.


Year: 2022 Taurus

The 2022 horoscope for Taurus says that you will be able to enjoy and participate in new adventures from the beginning of the year. You are likely to make new plans and successfully abide by them. In this journey of new adventures, you will learn new things and see success in different areas of your life.

The beginning of the year will turn out to be very good for you and it is also a good time to focus on your health. Keep your excellent work up and you will see your healthy lifestyle yielding numerous medical benefits for you. You will notice yourself to be fiercer, productive and energetic during your workouts. As this healthy lifestyle will help you perform flawlessly and do better in all the other aspects of your life, you will also benefit in terms of your work. The celestial bodies are likely to be in your favour from January to April.

Be it your mental or physical health, they will make you active and cheerful in your life and you are likely to be satisfied in all aspects. Although, you will have a lot on your plate in terms of responsibilities that might exhaust you, and even though you realize the same, you might not try to change it much. Make sure you sleep and eat well, as the effects of the same might reflect up on your face resulting in dull skin. Hence, it is crucial that you prioritize your health in 2022 and try to work better on yourself.

Otherwise, you might come across mental illness like depression in the times to come. Hiring a health instructor, joining a gym or hiring a yoga expert for home sessions would turn out to be really helpful to you. If you have desired to have a particular kind of body for a long time, in the second half of the year, you might see yourself stepping towards success. The last few months of the year can be a good time for you to get into sports and yoga. However, do not forget to follow proper health measures as it might affect your financial life as well.

Health Tip: Remember health is your greatest wealth.

Meet the Astro expert: Sheetal Shaparia, Life Coach and Astrologer. She is a Life Coach who helps people in terms of love, money, career, happiness and experience the peace of knowing the right path to travel in life. Sheetal is also a Tasseographer and an Astrologer.