
5 things to do if your partner is precariously out of shape

Married, in a live-in, or in a long-term relationship--being with a partner who is out of shape comes with its own set of worries. So here are 5 tricks to help him or her shed a few kilos.
ll you need is some determination and these tricks to ensure your partner gets on the weight loss bandwagon. GIF courtesy: Giphy
Sonakshi Kohli Updated: 11 Oct 2023, 16:40 pm IST

One year into wedlock and I can vouch for the fact that the only thing more alarming than a burst condom is watching your husband walk around like he’s the one bearing the consequences of it. I mean excessive weight gain and a big belly minus the foetus, of course. 

Just so we’re clear, I don’t mean to body shame or encourage body shaming in any way. Perhaps, the comparison comes out of sheer panic when I think of health problems like clogged arteries, increased risk of heart attack, blood-pressure issues, diabetes risk, and stress on the bones from carrying all that weight. Trust me, it’s scary to say the least! 

However, if you too are sailing in the same boat, here are a few tried-and-tested ways to encourage your husband to lose weight. They worked for me and my partner, here’s hoping they’ll work for you as well.

1. Use that god-gifted smile of yours

Basically, a sweet, mellow tone and a smile can make you slide through the toughest situations—including the ones that involve convincing your husband to kickstart his day with a detoxifying glass of lukewarm lemon water, aloe vera juice, or jeera water. Not only will these help with the bloating, they will also boost his metabolism.

2. Substitute his fave foods smartly

If your husband is a foodie just like mine, try to come up with low-cal or nutritionally richer substitutes for the foods he likes. I, for instance, give him home-made fruit popsicles instead of ice cream post meals.

In fact, keeping some smart snacking options handy to prevent him from binging on the samosas and bread pakoras to beat 4 PM hunger pangs can help you a great deal too. Makhanas sautéed in a dab of butter, some chillies, and just a hint of garlic for flavour can work really well.

Air-frying paper-thin strips of potatoes with a pinch of salt can make for crispy chips perfect for snacking. Even bhel puri with veggies, for that matter can seal the deal.

3. Add fibre to fill up his stomach

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If your man is not the sorts to enjoy salads, you’ve got to be real smart about this. For me, adding chia seeds to his morning glass of cold coffee and sliced cucumber, onions, and tomatoes to his raita has shown tremendous results. You can also try home-made multigrain bread pizzas loaded with vegetables and very little cheese.

4. Don’t force him to work out, do it in front of him!

Another thing I gathered was that pointing out a man’s weight gain won’t help! Instead, you’ve got to work out yourself and ensure that he joins in too. For instance, in the evening when you’re both back from work, play some peppy music and dance! Not only does this increase the chances of him joining you, but it will also help you guys bond as a couple. Not to mention, both of you will also burn some calories.

5. Sex it up

I am not even going to elaborate on the fact that sexual intercourse burns calories. Consider it as a couple workout cum bonding exercise, and enjoy the benefits.

Sonakshi Kohli

Twenty kilos down and struggling to maintain the weight loss by preaching healthy eating, while eating unhealthy every now and then. ...Read More

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