
Menstrual Hygiene Day: 5 eco-friendly and sustainable period practices

Published on:24 May 2023, 17:00pm IST

Menstrual Hygiene Day: When periods are such an integral part of a woman's life why not make sure that they experience comfort and don’t harm the environment as well. Here's how to make periods sustainable.


When it's time for periods, we need to make sure we protect our health as well as the environment. For Menstrual Hygiene Day 2023, let us pledge to make more informed choices about the ways we manage periods. While sanitary pads have been used traditionally, it's time to say goodbye to disposable pads and tampons that pile up in landfills. Embrace a range of sustainable period practices and products. Let’s take a look at 5 sustainable menstrual practices we should adopt. Image Courtesy: Freepik


Menstruation is a natural and integral part of a woman's life. However, the environmental impact of conventional menstrual hygiene products is a growing concern. Disposable pads and tampons contribute to pollution, waste, and deforestation. To address these issues, it is crucial to adopt sustainable menstrual hygiene practices. By making simple changes, we can promote our well-being, protect the planet, and create a positive impact for future generations. Image Courtesy: Freepik


There are several benefits of using eco-friendly menstrual products. One of the primary benefits of these products is their positive impact on the environment as they are reusable. Though high in cost, you will save in the long run as one period product can be used for a very long time. These are often made from soft, breathable materials that are gentle on the skin and reduce the risk of irritation. They also offer longer protection compared to tampons or pads, as they can be worn for up to 12 hours without needing to be changed. Image Courtesy: Freepik


Menstrual Cups: One of the most eco-friendly alternatives to traditional pads and tampons is a menstrual cup. Made from medical-grade silicone, latex, or rubber, these cups are reusable, durable, and can last for several years. Menstrual cups are inserted into the vagina to collect menstrual fluid. They are leak-proof, comfortable, and can hold more volume than conventional products. By switching to menstrual cups, we can significantly reduce waste and save money in the long run. Image Courtesy: Freepik


Organic and Biodegradable Products: If you prefer using disposable products, opt for organic and biodegradable pads and tampons. These products are made from natural materials that break down more easily in the environment, reducing their ecological impact. Look for certifications such as Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) or Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) to ensure the authenticity of these products. Image Courtesy: Freepik


Reusable Cloth Pads: Another sustainable option is reusable cloth pads. These pads are made from soft, absorbent fabrics such as organic cotton or bamboo. They can be washed and reused, reducing the amount of waste generated. Reusable cloth pads are comfortable, breathable, and come in various shapes and sizes to suit individual preferences. They are also cost-effective, as they can last for years with proper care. Image courtesy: Shutterstock


Period Underwear: Period underwear is an innovative and sustainable menstrual hygiene product. It is designed with built-in absorbent layers that eliminate the need for disposable pads or tampons. Period underwear is made from breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics that provide comfort and leak protection. After use, they can be washed and reused, making them an eco-friendly alternative. Image Courtesy: Freepik


Menstrual Discs: Menstrual discs are an alternative to tampons and pads. They are inserted into the vaginal fornix, creating a seal to collect menstrual fluid. These discs can be worn for up to 12 hours, providing longer protection compared to tampons. They are typically made from medical-grade silicone and are reusable, contributing to a more sustainable menstrual hygiene routine. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock