
Concerned about your under-eye area? Here are 8 DIY masks to nourish it and keep it from wrinkling

These easy-breezy DIY home remedies will nourish your under-eye area like no other. So it's time to give these 8 masques a shot!
Bid adieu to your under-eye woes with these DIY natural masks. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock
Sonakshi Kohli Published: 8 Apr 2020, 17:17 pm IST

All is great about getting mature as you age until it starts showing on your face. The worst-hit part of the face is undoubtedly your under-eye area, which also happens to have the thinnest and the softest skin. Thus, this sensitive area needs extra care and attention.

“The skin around the eyes is very delicate and much thinner than most other areas of the face. It has no oil glands and has a fine texture. That is why it is one of the first areas to manifest the signs of ageing, like tiny lines and wrinkles,” says Shahnaz Husain, founder, chairperson & managing director of The Shahnaz Husain Group, India.

Not to mention, the stress and pollution only add to the adversity of the passage of time reflected on our dear under-eye area.

However, if you take good care of it, you can defo delay signs of ageing there. And nope, you don’t need to invest in expensive eye creams or salon treatments for it. These DIY masks recommended by Hussain are just about enough to address all your under-eye area problems, we promise:

1. Almond oil mask
This single-ingredient mask can help you a great deal in combatting all under-eye related problems.

Almond oil is perfect for delicate under-eye skin. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

All you need to do it to apply pure almond oil sparingly (very little quantity) around eyes and massage it lightly on the skin, using only the ring finger, for one minute under each eye.

Massage in one direction only. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wipe off gently with
moist cotton wool. Doing this before sleeping every night can work wonders for you.

Also,Read: Should you use oils on oily skin? Find the answer to that age-old question here

2. Potato-cucumber pack
Mix equal parts of potato juice with cucumber juice. Apply around eyes and massage it gently with your ring finger into your skin. Wash it off with plain water after 15 minutes.

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Why opt for expensive under-eye gels when potato can do the thing.

While the spot-lightening properties of the potato juice will lighten your dark under-eyes, the cooling cucumber juice can revitalise the tired skin in the area.

3. Papaya-lemon mask
Take papaya pulp, add lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric. Use this to massage the skin around the eyes lightly.

Lemon and papaya — a home hack for glowing skin that never backfires.

Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and rinse it off with water. This remedy helps to brighten the skin around the eyes and keep it smooth.

Also, Read: 3 DIY lemon peel face masques, because younger looking skin is always in

4. Saffron-milk pack
Soak a few strands of saffron in milk for half an hour.

Even expensive under-eye patches can’t do what saffron masks can or dark circles. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Soak cotton wool pads in the mixture and apply under eyes, or use as eye pads. This relieves dryness and tones the under-eye skin.

Also, Read: 5 simple home remedies to help you banish dark circles in 2020

5. Almond-milk pack
Make a paste of almonds and milk. Apply the paste under the eyes and wash it off after 20 minutes for a soft, smooth, and nourished under-eye area.

6. Green tea pack
This one’s not really a pack. You just need to use your used green tea bags as eye pads to get rid of the fatigue and refresh your under eyes.

Beat the health blues with a cup of green tea and use its tea bags to soothe your under-eye area. Image courtesy: Shutterstock.

You can also use fresh green-tea bags by steeping them in hot water first and then allowing them to cool for safe use.

7. Egg pack
Mix a little honey with lemon juice and an egg white. Apply this mixture around your eyes and wash off after 20 minutes. This moisturizes and tightens the skin and reduces dark circles.

8. Rose water pack
Take cotton wool and make two thick square pads. Soak them in chilled rose water.

Simple and inexpensive–rosewater is the solution to your winter beauty woes. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Lie down, close your eyes and put the soaked pads on them. Keep them
on for about 15 minutes. Rose water tones and tightens the skin and can help you feel very relaxed as well. What more do you want from life?

Sonakshi Kohli

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