
Try these 5 natural ways to lighten your vagina

Published on:2 March 2023, 19:30pm IST

Your private parts are naturally a little darker than the skin on the rest of your body. Are you looking for ways to lighten your vagina? Here are 5 effective home remedies that can help you get rid of vaginal darkness naturally.


Tips to lighten your vagina: Your vagina is one of the most delicate parts of your body. It also appears a bit darker than other parts of the body. While some women might not be ecstatic about the dark appearance of the vagina, they should understand that it's natural and common in women. However, if you still want to get rid of the darkness and brighten the vaginal area, here are 5 natural ways you can do it. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock


Apple cider vinegar or ACV: It acts as a skin-lightening agent due to its bleaching effect. It also contains acetic, amino acids, and other components, which are good for your skin. Applying ACV can also help control the pH levels of the vagina and lighten it, and make it soft. Mix apple cider vinegar with a few drops of essential oil and apply it to the skin. Leave it for a few minutes and rinse with warm water. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock


Papaya: Rich in vitamins A and C, papaya is abundant in many vitamins and minerals that help reduce the darkness and smoothen the skin. It also contains skin-lightening properties that help clear blemishes and pigmentation. Enzymes and alpha-hydroxy acids in papaya act as a potent exfoliant that removes dead skin cells and decreases the likelihood of clogged pores. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock


Yoghurt: Did you know that yoghurt is high in B12, which helps with skin discolouration and brightens dull skin? It contains good bacteria that help balance out the pH balance and helps lighten your vagina. Not only that, but yoghurt also helps with dryness, itching, and bad odour if you're struggling with any of these issues as well. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock


Aloe vera: This one is a popular skin-lightening agent that can help lighten your vagina. Loaded with minerals and vitamins A, C, E, and B12, studies have shown that aloe vera can help brighten skin. Mix some aloe vera gel with cucumber extract in a bowl, make a paste and apply on the affected area. While it might help, it is best to do a patch test first. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock
