
By Aayushi Gupta

Published May 30, 2023

Sugar Vs Salt: What is Worse For The Heart?

Sugar and salt are both commonly used ingredients in cooking and baking, but they both pose threats to your heart health. Let us find out which one is worse for your heart.

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Excessive consumption of both salt and sugar can have detrimental consequences on heart health. However, it is widely recognized that excessive salt consumption is thought to be worse for the heart than excessive sugar consumption.

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Sugar Vs Salt

High Blood Pressure

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Both sugar and salt contribute to high blood pressure, but salt has a more direct link. It retains water and increases blood volume, putting extra strain on the heart.

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Fluid Retention

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Salt can contribute to fluid retention, which increases blood pressure and puts additional stress on the heart. Contrarily, sugar doesn't directly influence fluid retention.

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Cardiovascular Diseases Risk

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Excessive sugar intake leads to obesity, diabetes and other conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, but excessive salt intake directly raises the risk of heart attack, strokes and heart failure.

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Impact On Cholesterol Levels

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Consuming too much salt can alter blood lipid profiles, raising levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and total cholesterol. While sugar's impact is milder compared to salt.

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Impaired Endothelial Function

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Salt intake impairs endothelial function, a thin membrane that lines the inside of the heart and blood vessels, this is associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

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