
By Aayushi Gupta

Published Mar 26, 2023

5 Side Effects Of Not Exercising

Raise your hand if you don't exercise every day. Well, it may not immediately, but lack of exercise can lead to health problems and even shorten your lifespan.

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Lose Muscle Mass

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Inactivity may make your muscles weak, which would make you feel tired and lazy. You can even experience body aches, difficulty in moving and doing daily tasks.

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Weight Gain

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Lack of exercise makes it difficult for you to maintain a healthy weight. And weight gain can increase the risk of several health problems.

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Weaker Bones

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Another repercussion of not exercising is weak bones. Hence, the density in the body decreases and the chances of a fracture go up.

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Mental Health Issues

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The risk of mental health issues, including stress, anxiety, and depression is also increased by insufficient physical activity and exercise.

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High Blood Pressure

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A sedentary lifestyle may also shoot up your blood pressure. To prevent such problems, you must continue working out regularly for at least 20 to 30 minutes.

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