By Radhika Bhirani
Published Oct 16, 2024


10 lifestyle tips to improve your spine health

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Your spine is the backbone of your body, and keeping it strong is vital for mobility and comfort. Follow these 10 tips to improve your spine health for a better quality of life.

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The way you sit and stand impacts the level of stress on your spine. Avoid slouching by keeping your back straight and your shoulders relaxed!

Maintain Good Posture

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There are many health benefits of regular exercise. Indulging in physical activity every day can add strength to the muscles that  support your spine. Core exercises, walking, and low-impact activities are some of the best exercises for spine health.

Stay Active

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Follow this thumbrule: Bend at the knees, not the waist, whenever you are lifting objects. This protects your lower back from unnecessary strain and injury.

Focus On How You Lift

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Adding spine-friendly stretches into your daily routine can help you improve flexibility and reduces stiffness. These activities can help maintain a healthy spine.

Stretching Exercises

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Make sure your sleep in the right posture. It is best advised to sleep on your back or side with a supportive mattress and pillow. This can potentially reduce pressure on your spine and ensure proper body alignment.

Sleep Tight, But Right

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You may wonder how water helps your spine health. But drinking enough water could help the discs between your vertebrae stay hydrated. This helps in shock absorption, as well as in maintaining the flexibility and strength of your spine.

Stay Hydrated

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Sitting is the new smoking, quite literally! Prolonged sitting can lead to back problems, and so, taking breaks every 30 minutes to stand, stretch, and walk around can help to relieve spine pressure.

Avoid Sitting For Too Long

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Wearing supportive shoes may reduce strain on your lower back. Choose shoes with good arch support, especially if you're standing or walking for long hours.

Wear Comfortable Shoes

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Obesity has its side effects even on your spine. Keep your weight in check to avoid unnecessary stress on your spine.

Maintain Healthy Weight

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Visit a healthcare professional for routine spine and posture assessments. Early detection of issues can prevent serious problems later in life.

Get Regular Check-ups

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