
By Aayushi Gupta

Published June 8, 2023

5 Tips To Reduce Body Heat

Summer heat can make you feel like you’re burning from inside out. It is possible the weather can raise your body heat. If want to reduce your body heat, here are some tips to try.

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Consume Cooling Foods

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Eat cooling foods with high water content such as cucumber, watermelon, and citrus foods. They provide cooling sensation and helps to stay hydrated.

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Stay Hydrated

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To maintain a healthy body temperature throughout the day, drink plenty of water. This will help replenish the fluids lost through sweating.

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Wear Breathable Clothes

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Choose breathable, loose-fitting clothes made of natural fibres like cotton, linen, or bamboo to help you stay cool and air circulation.

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Apply Cool Water Or Ice

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Splash cold water on your face, neck and wrists, or place ice packs or cool, damp towels on these areas to help cool down. You can also take a cool shower or bath.

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Seek Shade Or A Cool Environment

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Move to an area with shade or find a cool, air-conditioned space for a cooling effect in your surroundings and to lower your body temperature.

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