
By Aayushi Gupta

Published Mar 11, 2023

5 tips to forget bad memories

Everyone has an experience they'd like to forget. Fortunately, you can forget unwanted memories and deal with negative thoughts.

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Accept Your Memories

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Never try to escape from a bad memory. Accept it to make it easier to forget. Accepting the memory will assist you in identifying the issue and the areas to work on.

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Recognize The Triggers

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Sometimes the memory you're trying to forget is brought back by specific locations, things, or people. Avoid all of them until that memory is bothering you.

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Think About Happy Memories

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The unpleasant memory will gradually fade away with time. However, to distract yourself, focus on good memories and think about them only

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Keep Yourself Busy

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If an unwanted memory keeps coming back to bother you, try your best to avoid thinking about it by keeping yourself busy with other activities such as meditation and mindfulness.

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Go For A Walk

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Endorphins, brain chemicals that increase relaxation and elevate mood, are released when you walk. Thus, if a memory starts to weigh you down, take a walk.

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