
By Arushi Bidhuri

Published May 23, 2023

How To Use Karela For Diabetes?

You may not like the bitter taste of bitter gourd or karela, but did you know it can be extremely beneficial for managing diabetes? Here's how you can use karela for managing your blood sugar levels.

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Bitter Gourd For Diabetes

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Bitter gourd contains active substances like polypeptide and vicine that improves the way your tissues use sugar, promoting the secretion of insulin naturally and lowering the levels of blood sugar.

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A study published in the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine found that drinking bitter gourd juice can help manage diabetes. It does so by keeping blood glucose levels in check.

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Bitter Gourd Juice

Filled with flavour and delicious taste, bitter gourd sabzi is the perfect quick recipe you can add to your diabetes diet.

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Bitter Gourd Sabzi

If you love simple paranthas, then all you need is to grind a bitter gourd and add some salt, pepper and spices of your choice. Roast with some ghee on both sides and voila!

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Bitter Gourd Parantha

Nothing beats the good old karela soup! This is a great way to include bitter gourd in your diabetes diet. Prepare a quick soup to keep your blood sugar levels in check.

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Bitter Gourd Soup

If you want to keep your blood sugar levels in control, try dipping your feet in bitter gourd water for 30 minutes. It may feel like a lot but it's worth it.

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Dip Your Feet In Bitter Gourd Water

Don't consume bitter gourd if you have an upset stomach or you are pregnant. You should also avoid drinking it in excess as it can lower your blood sugar levels to severe levels.

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Precautions To Take

Word of Caution!

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Using bitter gourd is not a treatment for diabetes, nor does it magically help you control your blood sugar levels. So, make sure you are regularly exercising, eating a healthy diet, getting proper sleep, and taking medication along with it.

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