Your body needs healthy fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates, not just SUGAR! Pay attention to these 5 signs of eating too much sugar and avoid it.
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Weight Gain
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Instead of providing you with calories or nutritious value, it makes your body produce and store more fat. Hence, eating too much sugar over time might result in weight gain.
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Sleep Problems
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It may be a sign that you are eating sugary meals, especially at night, if you are having trouble sleeping. It can disrupt your sleep and give you a surge of energy.
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High Blood Pressure
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Consuming a high-sugar diet stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, leading to increase in heart rate and blood pressure.
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Low Energy Levels
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When you first consume sugar, you may feel energized, but over time, you may become lethargic, tired and irritable. If you can relate, reduce your sugar intake.
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Constant Sugar Craving
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Consuming too much sugar might cause your brain's reward system to release the feel-good neurochemical dopamine. More dopamine means more sugar cravings.