Bird flu, also known as avian influenza and fowl plague, is a disease that is caused by the influenza A virus. While it rarely affects humans, it can cause some serious illness. So, it is essential to have an understanding of bird flu symptoms for early detection and prevention.
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High fever
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High fever is the first sign of human infection with bird flu. It is the hallmark symptom of avian influenza in humans that may be persistent, can exceed 38 degree celsius and stay upto 1 to 7 days. It may also become difficult to control the fever with antipyretic medications.
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People who are infected with bird flu may experience mild to severe headaches. It may occur and be accompanied by sensitivity to light or sound.
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Cough is another symptom of bird flu. Patients with avian influenza may develop coughs 3 days after onset. It can be accompanied by a small quantity of white or yellowish white mucus sputum.
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Muscle Ache
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Some patients may also experience muscle aces, weakness and fatigue. These signs of bird flu may impact daily activities and persist for a long time.
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Diarrhea is a common digestive disorder that can be characterized by frequent, loose and watery bowel movements. People with bird flu may experience diarrhea, poor appetite, vomiting and abdominal pain.