There is no denying that cardio exercises are great for heart health. But what are the right exercises to pick? Here are 5 top cardio exercises to keep your heart healthy!
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Circuit Training
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Circuit training, a mix of cardio exercises, is one of the best ways to unclog your arteries, so that your blood can flow seamlessly and maintain your blood pressure.
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Yoga is a low-impact exercise, and that’s why age is no bar. Yoga is a beneficial technique to control cardiovascular conditions.
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Playing Low Impact Sports
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There are a range of low-impact sports that are great for your heart health and at the same time are fun too! These include cycling, swimming, skiing, and much more.
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You might feel walking is no good, but brisk walking works well. A 30 minute walk for adults, and a 60 minute walk for all you young ladies is great to recharge your heart.
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Weight Training
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Lifting weights can be good for your heart health as it can reduce your risk for heart attack or stroke by as much as 40 to 70 percent.