
By Aayushi Gupta

Published Mar 20, 2024

9 Tips To Manage Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth can cause a lot of discomfort and pain sometimes. While brushing your teeth twice is essential, here are 9 tips to manage sensitive teeth and maintain oral health. 

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Using toothpaste for sensitive teeth can help alleviate discomfort by desensitising nerve endings. Look for products containing ingredients like potassium nitrate or strontium chloride.

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Use A Right Toothpaste 

Hard-bristled brushes can exacerbate sensitivity by wearing down enamel and exposing dentin (a yellow layer). So, opt for a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid irritating your teeth and gums.

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Choose a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush

Brush gently in a circular motion, focusing on each tooth individually. Avoid vigorous brushing, as it can contribute to enamel erosion and gum recession, leading to increased sensitivity.

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Proper Brushing Technique

Daily flossing helps remove plaque and food particles from between teeth, preventing decay and gum disease, which can exacerbate sensitivity.

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Floss Regularly

Rinse with fluoride mouthwash after brushing to strengthen enamel and reduce sensitivity. Fluoride helps remineralize teeth, making them more resistant to temperature changes and acidic attacks.

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Use Fluoride Mouthwash

Acidic foods and drinks, such as citrus fruits, soda, and wine, can erode tooth enamel and worsen sensitivity. Limit your intake of these items to protect your teeth.

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Avoid Acidic Foods 

Incorporate oil pulling into your oral care routine. Swishing coconut oil or sesame oil in your mouth for 10-15 minutes can help reduce bacteria and inflammation, promoting healthier teeth and gums.

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Oil Pulling

Rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution to soothe sensitive teeth and gums. Saltwater has natural antibacterial properties and can help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

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Saltwater Rinse

If you grind your teeth at night, wearing a custom-fitted night guard can prevent enamel wear and reduce sensitivity caused by grinding.

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Wear A Night Guard