
By Manasvi Jain

Published May 30, 2023

Ande Ka Funda: 6 Myths About Eggs Busted

Eggs are nutritious and we love them! But like many foods, eggs have faced their fair share of myths. Let’s debunk some of the most common myths about eggs.

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Eggs should not be eaten every day

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Myth 1

Eggs are a highly nutritious food and can be consumed daily. They are an excellent source of high-quality protein, essential vitamins, and minerals.

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Fact 1

Brown eggs are healthier than white

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Myth 2

Both brown and white eggs offer the same essential nutrients and health benefits. The colour has no correlation with its nutritional value.

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Fact 2

Egg yolk can make you gain weight

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Myth 3

Egg yolks contain more calories than egg whites, but they also provide vitamins such as A, D and omega-3 fatty acids and hence, it can contribute to a feeling of fullness and curb cravings.

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Fact 3

Eggs can increase cholesterol levels

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Myth 4

Recent research has shown that the cholesterol in eggs has little impact on blood cholesterol for the majority of people. 

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Fact 4

Wash eggs to get rid of salmonella

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Myth 5

Don't wash eggs as that can remove the natural protective coating on the eggshell, making it more susceptible to contamination. Eggs should be cooked thoroughly to kill any bacteria.

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Fact 5

Eggs should not be eaten in summer

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Myth 6

There is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Eggs are a nutritious food that can be consumed year-round without any specific restrictions based on the season.

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Fact 6