While farting is essential and beneficial for digestive health, it shouldn't be done frequently. Following these 5 tips will help you stop excessive farting if you fee; gassy all the time.
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Eat More Probiotics
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A sick digestive tract is always the cause of excessive farting. Add probiotics to your diet because they include microorganisms that help the body to digest food easily.
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Avoid Gas-Producing Foods
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Foods such as beans, lentils, lactose, fructose, broccoli, cabbage, onions, soft drinks, insoluble fiber and starch are associated with intestinal gas. So, avoid them!
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Increase Fluid Intake
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Consuming plenty of liquids like lassi or curd in addition to water will soothe your digestive tract and aid in preventing the formation of gas.
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Drink Peppermint Tea
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Peppermint tea have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties which are all known to relieve digestive issues such as gas, bloating, and indigestion.
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Chew The Food Properly
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By correctly chewing your food, you may reduce the volume of it into smaller pieces, which will ease the burden on your digestive system, reducing gas.