If you're planning to start a family and preparing to conceive, keep these 5 tips in mind to boost your fertility naturally.
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Reduce Caffeine Intake
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Those who drink large amounts of caffeine may have a slightly increased risk of miscarriage and may take longer to get pregnant. So, avoid it.
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Maintain Vaginal Hygiene
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Maintranig vaginal hygiene is curicial otherwise it can result in problems including fungal infections, reproductive problems like infertility, and UTIs.
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Eat Fertility Boosting Foods
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To improve your fertility, don't skip meals, and make sure you consume foods high in antioxidants, iron, calcium, folic acid, and zinc.
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Avoid Stress
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Try to unwind and reduce your stress to help boost your fertility because stress can have an adverse effect on your physical health.
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Watch Your Weight
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If you're overweight, your body may experience hormonal imbalances, making it difficult to conceive hence maintaining a healthy weight is essential.