
By Aayushi Gupta

Published Apr 9, 2024

Navratri: 5 Tips To Avoid Acidity While Fasting

Want to keep a Navratri fast and fear acidity and gas problems? Don't worry. Here are 5 tips that may help you avoid acidity during fasting, and keep your digestion on track.

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Drink Enough Water

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If you are fasting, drink plenty of water throughout the day to flush out toxins and maintain proper hydration levels. Staying hydrated helps maintain stomach pH and prevent acidity.

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Coconut Water

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Coconut water is alkaline in nature and can help reduce acidity. Along with being rich in electrolytes like potassium, it also helps to maintain pH balance, which is crucial for controlling acid reflux.

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Buttermilk is rich in probiotics that promote healthy digestion and can help neutralise stomach acid. Drink a glass of buttermilk seasoned with a pinch of sendha namak and roasted cumin powder.

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Avoid Oily Foods

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Avoid consuming kuttu pakodi, puri, and other oily foods to reduce the risk of gas and acidity. Instead, choose baking, steaming, or boiling the food.

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Bananas are low in acidity or alkaline and can help coat the stomach lining, reducing irritation. Eat a ripe banana as a snack or incorporate it into smoothies or fruit salads.

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