Can't start your day without a cup of morning tea? You might reconsider after knowing these side effects of drinking tea on an empty stomach.
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Tea might increase gastrin release and gastric acid secretion when consumed on an empty stomach. Hence, if you frequently experience stomach problems, avoid it.
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Stained teeth
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When you drink tea in the morning, the bacteria in your mouth break down sugar, raising the level of acid and leading to erosion of dental enamel and discoloured teeth.
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Contrary to the popular belief, tea can really make you feel sick and give you a headache if you drink it on an empty stomach.
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Tea includes a substance called theophylline, which has a dehydrating effect. In fact, dehydration can also lead to headaches and constipation.
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Affects Nutrient Absorption
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Since tea is a rich source of polyphenols such as tannins and caffeine, it can inhibit the absorption of nutrients like iron from food especially when you drink it in the morning.