
By Aayushi Gupta

Published Mar 30, 2023

5 Benefits Of Eating Red Rice

White rice is not healthy and can increase the risk of several health issues. So, ditch it and try red rice instead! Here's why red rice is healthy! 

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Aids In Weight Loss

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Red rice is a rich source of fibre that keeps you full for a long time. So, you're less likely to indulge in junk or bench eating, which promotes weight loss.

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Improves Skin Health

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Antioxidants and the chemical anthocyanin present in red rice delay signs of ageing. Also, it aids in nourishing your skin to keep it glowing and healthy.

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Boosts Digestion

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Since red rice is a great source of fibre, it eases bowel movements and boosts digestion. It can also help tackle diarrhoea and constipation.

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Lowers Blood Glucose

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Red rice has a low glycemic index, so diabetics can eat it without worrying about their blood sugar spiking out of control.

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Promotes Heart Health

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If you have heart health issues, red rice is a good choice. It helps to keep cholesterol levels in check and reduce the risk of heart disease.

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