
By Aayushi Gupta

Published Feb 18, 2024

5 Healthy Drinks To Lower Cholesterol Levels

High cholesterol levels can take a toll on your heart health. Along with a healthy diet and regular exercise, consume these 5 healthy drinks to lower cholesterol levels.

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Beetroot Juice

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Beetroot juice contains nitrates that have been shown to improve blood flow, lower blood pressure, and reduce LDL cholesterol levels. It can promote your overall heart health.

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Hibiscus Tea

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Hibiscus tea contains compounds that have been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Additionally, it has antioxidant properties that protect against oxidative stress and inflammation.

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Orange Juice

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Freshly squeezed orange juice is packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, and flavonoids that support heart health and may help lower LDL cholesterol levels.

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Almond Milk

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Almond milk is a nutritious dairy alternative that contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which help lower LDL cholesterol levels. Opt for unsweetened almond milk to avoid added sugars.

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Green Tea

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Rich in antioxidants called catechins, green tea can help lower LDL cholesterol levels and improve heart health. Drinking green tea regularly may also boost metabolism and aid in weight management.

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