
By Neha Yadav

Published Aug 17, 2022

5 Best Exercises For Thighs And Legs

Are you looking for ways to have toned thighs? Sculpt your thighs with these 5 exercises that can help you if paired with a balanced diet and a healthy exercise regimen.

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Squat Pulses

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Bend your knees and hips, and sit like you would on a chair. Now, lift your body slightly up and go back to the squat position. Continue the dipping movement for as long as you can.

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Sumo Squat

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Stand with your feet wider than your shoulders and toes pointing outward. Clasp your hands together and push your hips down and squat. Come back to the initial position and repeat.

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Side Lunge

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Stand with your feet far apart. Now, step to your left side, keeping your leg straight, and bend the right knee. Return to the initial position and repeat on the right side.

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Lateral Squat Walk

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Start in a squat position and step sideways with one foot, followed by the other. Maintain the squat position and continue stepping sideways.

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Curtsy Lunges

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Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. With your weight on the left foot, step back and around the right food, like you're curtsying and clasp your hands as you do it. Push back into the starting position and repeat on the other side.

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If you are a beginner, you should do at least 3 sets of 12 repetitions and increase it gradually. Also, check with your fitness trainer to know how many are enough for you.

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How Many Should You Do?